View Full Version : A few questions, if I may...

Mr Mushrooms
October 7th, 2005, 20:20
Hi all! I have done a search but found a lot of my questions unanswered (and don't really want to spend hours trawling through old threads anyway, I'm sure you understand). I'm relatively new to all this (hey, we all have to start somewhere, right?) so if any of these questions are daft then I'd still appreciate an adult response rather than the flaming that seems to be the norm on these message boards (I mean, where do people get off being c*nts on the internet?? It's totally unecessary). Anyways...

1. Will there ever be any kind of DOS support for the PSP? The ability to run the operating system and programs designed for it? Is it possible? Is there anything in development?

2. Will those disgusting software pirates among our population be able to fastload UMD games in future firmware updates? For example if GTA:LCS requires 2.1 firmware, can they load it on a 1.5? Evil bastards.

3. What are the chances of a decent Amiga emulator (the one hosted works fine but is very sloooow...)?

4. Will the prices of memory cards come down at any point in time? It's borderline criminal what they charge for them at the moment!

That's all, thanks in anticipation of your responses.

October 7th, 2005, 21:11
1. If you'd check the fron page of this very site, the first two emulators in the list are both x86/pc emulators, bochs, and dosbox. Neither works very good, but it's a start.

2. No one will know till it's out, but I'm guessing yes. Also guessing by the size of most GTA games, they'll have to shell for a 2gb memory stick, or rip all the movies out of it (which would ruin the game).

3. I don't know the specs of an amiga, so I don't know

4. Of couse they will. Supply and demand. When or how much? Ask sony or sandisk