View Full Version : Hear Test

July 14th, 2008, 21:10
News/release from fableboss1 (http://www.pspgen.com/modules.php?name=Forums&file=viewtopic&t=120361)

hello all!
I just finished my 4th homebrew asser well realize that is named Hear Test
this is a homebrew a hearing test which allow whether you have good ears or not
there is 10 sounds a listen.
if you hear a lot, you have good ears
nen if you hear little or none, your ears have deteriorated!
at the end, you are told what is your hearing based on the number of sounds you could hear
in this homebrew, you can:
- a hearing test
- to leave the game at any time by pressing L
- restart the game any time by pressing O
- extinguish the psp at any time by pressing square
- see credits (available only after having finished the hearing test) by pressing triangle
All these functions are also possible in the menu of credit
then decompress homebrew 13MB is a cause of 10fichiers sons ...
to use this hombrew,:
- download the hombrew here: http://www.megaupload.com/fr/?d=DQLHBIV2
- once download, plug in your psp usb
2 times-click on the file download and select "to extract" and choose the letter associee a psp on your pc
- wait for extracting files
- then leave the mode of usb psp then go to "game" in memoristick, then lua player and press X
- voila, the homebrew is launched!
voili voilou tell me how you find my homebrew!
go hi!

Download Above and Give feedback Via Comments

July 14th, 2008, 21:17

Cheat codes for this game are: Hold volume +

Glad to be of assistance. :thumbup: