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View Full Version : EBOOT loader v0.2 for PSP v2.0

October 11th, 2005, 00:01
Fanjita (http://www.fanjita.org/psp.html) on his site released a new Eboot Loader for the PSP V2.0 Firmware, heres what his site says:

This is a tool to run homebrew EBOOT programs on your v2.0 PSP. It will not run on any other firmware version.

It's very much work in progress, but can load a surprisingly large number of existing EBOOTs.

To use it, download the zip file here and unzip it into the root folder of a memory stick, and use the PSP photo viewer to open the "EBOOT loader" folder.

Please let me know if you are able to get any interesting EBOOTs to run, or details of any EBOOTs that it is unable to run, so that I can try to enable them.

(Download Via the Comments)

October 11th, 2005, 01:53
do u have 1 of those things for psp v1.50 lol cuz it seems so simple..

October 11th, 2005, 02:32
tempting... but I think I'l continue waiting (still refuse to upgrade my 1.5, even though I've up->downgraded a US PSP with 1.51 and downgraded a White 2.0 Japanese PSP with no probs)

October 11th, 2005, 04:12
I'm surprised more people aren't going apeshit over this. I might stick with 1.5 until it's confirmed that this works with all my favorite emulators, but after that, I'm all over it!

Cap'n 1time
October 11th, 2005, 04:46
I'm surprised more people aren't going apeshit over this. I might stick with 1.5 until it's confirmed that this works with all my favorite emulators, but after that, I'm all over it!

the reason the "apes have yet to shit" is because this still has major limits. It dosnt have "ALL ACCESS" to all the functionalaties of the psp. These functions are very important to your beloved homebrew and emulators. Untill these eboot loaders can allow for more than the user crap you are not going to see anything big.. This is however a large step up from before (I guess.. its not like I tried it).

October 11th, 2005, 04:48
its funny to know that there could be hackers that already have like got emu's on there v2.0 or even v2.1 and will never share the glory with us :(

October 11th, 2005, 05:04
I'm surprised more people aren't going apeshit over this. I might stick with 1.5 until it's confirmed that this works with all my favorite emulators, but after that, I'm all over it!

i agree with u ill stick with my 1.5 or untill i can sell my psp and get gp2x

October 11th, 2005, 10:35
sounds interesting. Don't have a v2.0 so i can't test. think another reason why this isn't turning the scene upside down is because of the recent psp-bricking-virus. People are (rightfully) scared of that.

October 11th, 2005, 13:32
do u have 1 of those things for psp v1.50 lol cuz it seems so simple..

It's called 'regular homebrew'.

1.50 doesn't need any special loaders (just a 1.5 export tool on your PC, and most homebrew now has a 1.5 version included)

October 11th, 2005, 14:38
the reason the "apes have yet to shit" is because this still has major limits. It dosnt have "ALL ACCESS" to all the functionalaties of the psp. These functions are very important to your beloved homebrew and emulators. Untill these eboot loaders can allow for more than the user crap you are not going to see anything big.. This is however a large step up from before (I guess.. its not like I tried it).

The major missing functionality at the moment is kernel-mode support, which just isn't possible on v2.0 right now. Kernel-mode is less important than you might think - sure, stuff like ISO loaders and UMD emulators tend to need that level of access, but the majority of games and utilities don't.

So far, most of the apps I've seen that enable kernel-mode only use it for debugging facilities - LUAPlayer is an important example, and I hope to get that running on v2.0 soon.

The PSP APIs seem to be designed to allow you to do just about everything important under user-mode - so a lot more is possible from the "user crap" than you might think.

Right now - I wouldn't recommend updating to v2.0, as the range of software that works in the EBOOT loader isn't large enough to be compelling yet. But for those of us who choose to use v2.0 rather than v1.5, the situation is improving all the time.

sounds interesting. Don't have a v2.0 so i can't test. think another reason why this isn't turning the scene upside down is because of the recent psp-bricking-virus. People are (rightfully) scared of that.

The EBOOT loader is perfectly safe, because it doesn't access the firmware flash - you can always check any new application with PSPSafe. Of course, the EBOOTs being loaded should also be scanned, before running them.

Cap'n 1time
October 11th, 2005, 19:54
The major missing functionality at the moment is kernel-mode support, which just isn't possible on v2.0 right now. Kernel-mode is less important than you might ....

From what you said about the lack of kernal access being nessicary for UMD emulators and ISO loaders.. well that actually sounds like a good thing. The problem is that in the future all kinds of people are going to be downgrading their PSP's for that warez shit.

So am I to understand the file size limit is all that is holding us back for now?
forgive my stupidity.. but im interested.

October 11th, 2005, 22:17
The file size limit, does that mean that the eboot file canīt be larger than 64k? What has to be accomplished to run for example SCUMMVM? My favourite app for the psp.

October 12th, 2005, 16:42
There is no specific file size limit any more.

There does seem to be a problem with running some larger files, that seems to be to do with their size, but also some files that are larger still run fine. I haven't really looked into why that is yet.

We're at the stage right now where it's pretty much pot-luck whether a specific homebrew will run. A lot do, a lot don't. Getting some of the broken ones going doesn't seem like it will be all that hard, we're working on it.

(BTW, there's an updated version (0.3) on my website (http://www.fanjita.org/psp.html), that has a better chance of working well).

As for ScummVM : I haven't tested it yet. If you want to email me ([email protected]) details of your config, and where to get some ROMs for it, then I'll give it a go.