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View Full Version : Visual Application 0.3

July 18th, 2008, 00:15
News/release from andbad: (http://psp-ita.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=18682)

I have released the second update of VisualApplication, the first 3rdparty Nanodesktop application.
This homebrew provides a calculator, a text to speech synthetizer and
a WAV/MP3 graphical player.

It is based on the API of Nanodesktop library.
This is the changelog from 0.2 version:

v. 0.3 - Menu: The wallpaper file is now included in the code;
You can use analog stick to move mouse pointer (menu "Option->
Analog/Digital Mouse");

- VisualMP3: Enable balance control in VisualMP3;
It's possible to load a file simply click on "no file loaded"
Some bugs resolved in play routine;

- VisualT2Speech: some optimization thanks to 0.3.4 Nanodesktop release;

- VisualOCR: Added;
Save .txt file (on same folder of image file);

- VisualFM: Added;
Click on file for exit;

- Some optimization of the code;Readme file in english language included.

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