View Full Version : PSP Emulator for Wii Update

July 19th, 2008, 17:57
Hmm Teamshift or maybe Teamshifty until we get real confirmation have posted that they have got up to 15FPS on the game Locoroco on their PSP Emulator for the Nintendo Wii, like ive already said this could be fake as ive never heard of them but like always we will post news until proven one way or the other.


Heres the translated info

Voila already 3 days we talked about our emulator no $ PsP, and we'll aircraft say that we come out a beta version in a very short time but wanted
improve a little before the break. Well, we have good news:

-- The emulator can now read the CSO but not yet the DAX
-- We have resolved some bugs display with some games
-- The emulator is mounted a 15 fps in the menu of the game LocoRoco!

Now, voila major problems emulator:

-- The son!
-- Being forced to play with a joystick gamecube (we are currently working so the wiimote is supported, but it is quite difficult)
-- The speed of games that is much too slow !!!!!!

We also wish to inform you that during the launch of a party with LocoRoco, the console goes out alone! We are currently working on this problem.
We hope the poster with the least possible bugs therefore sorry to make you wait more ...

We look forward to your proposal to improve the emulator.

Ill remind you this could be a fake and for that will not link to the site until confirmation arrives.

July 19th, 2008, 18:29
hmmm, i still think this is a little suspicious after i saw what souLLy said about this..

July 19th, 2008, 18:53
*coughs and points at my sig.*

July 19th, 2008, 19:14
This is so stupid >.> why do they bother releasing shit about it being a fake as it is already 3 things have been pointed out 1 Size of the screen without pixel degradation 2 the pixels are perfect on no$psp 3 the wii is not even turned on... so yea

Keitaro Urashima
July 19th, 2008, 19:16
They should make Windows first before Wii.

July 19th, 2008, 19:53
i am with you all on that including the part that the wii is off look to the right it has a yellow light ha ha

July 19th, 2008, 20:02
Hahah, yea he could just be using the PSP Slim video output. The wii really does look off.

July 19th, 2008, 20:22
Well, their decision to make their results even less plausible with no justification to their "improvements" appears to have gone well for them >_>

And surely any coders that could produce an emulator of this quality would laugh at the ease of adding wiimote support, which is present in... just about every homebrew app.

July 20th, 2008, 01:23
There is no controller plugged in either, yet is states there is a need for a gamecube controller to play. :p

July 20th, 2008, 04:49
translated info from what? can we have the source please?

July 20th, 2008, 05:10
Why ask a source? This source is in the ass of a lot of clowns who think they are funny or a 2nd no$gba lol....

July 20th, 2008, 07:05
I think its fake. There shoule be more technical details than "The games play too slow!"

July 21st, 2008, 10:25
i believe everything on their site is fake too =/

July 22nd, 2008, 18:32
Here i'll give you the source. Stick in your component plug in for your PSP stick that into your TV turn the PSP on. Have your Wii next to the TV only this time have the green light on and have a gamecube controller stuck into it. There now it'll look like the PSP is emulated thats your source code.