View Full Version : New Sonic Wii Game Revealed, Brings Much Needed Swordplay To Series

July 20th, 2008, 20:02

The latest issue of Nintendo Power reveals, via cover story, that Sonic the Hedgehog is back! After a painfully long absence, the "Blue Blur" is returning to the Wii with Sonic & The Black Knight which the mag pitches as a "big new Wii-exclusive adventure" in which Sonic "swings cool steel." Yep, the Sonic drought is over.

We have little info beyond the cover details for Sonic's third Wii outing, but can imagine a Sonic themed adventure with the compelling gameplay of Red Steel or Dragon Quest Swords will fit the series like a glove. Hey, we'll take it (begrudgingly) over gunplay any day.


July 20th, 2008, 20:30
Sonic, with a sword... I like it.

July 20th, 2008, 23:43
Like Shadow with a gun...
I'm not expecting much, as much as I'd want a good Sonic game.

M Dash
July 21st, 2008, 11:52
... I really hope that Sonic Unleached turns out at least OK...

...despite I hate the werewolf stupid thingy... I mean... why the f*ck does he need to turn into a werewolf???

God bless the Genesis/Mega Drive Sonic games days...

Anyways.... If SEGA keeps this stupid ideas up... I guess I'm gonna turn into my back to Sonic for good...


July 21st, 2008, 12:11
The minutes at a sega board meeting:

'we feel despite our best efforts, we just have not butchered a once great franchise enough'

'I agree, the previous wii game was terrible, and we did do a fantastic job with the PSP game(s), the way the engine just oozed possibility for a real 2d play field/3d gfx sonic game, but then we made it a god aweful 'racing' game'

'Oh yeah, the fans hated that. Great work'

'How about this time, we add some motion sensing gimmick..'

'Oh yeah, thats a big market with the wii, lets see....
You hold it in your hand'

'and you swing it.....'

'and you want it to be action packed!'

'i see where your going here, I have it: "SONIC THE PIRATE!'

'i like how you took that and ran, but sonic dressed as a pirate may be going too far, even for us'

'Sonic with...... a sword?'


July 21st, 2008, 12:52
I'm still trying to get over the fact that Sonic is on the cover of "Nintendo Power"! :( Sega...:(

July 21st, 2008, 14:05
The minutes at a sega board meeting:

'we feel despite our best efforts, we just have not butchered a once great franchise enough'

'I agree, the previous wii game was terrible, and we did do a fantastic job with the PSP game(s), the way the engine just oozed possibility for a real 2d play field/3d gfx sonic game, but then we made it a god aweful 'racing' game'

'Oh yeah, the fans hated that. Great work'

'How about this time, we add some motion sensing gimmick..'

'Oh yeah, thats a big market with the wii, lets see....
You hold it in your hand'

'and you swing it.....'

'and you want it to be action packed!'

'i see where your going here, I have it: "SONIC THE PIRATE!'

'i like how you took that and ran, but sonic dressed as a pirate may be going too far, even for us'

'Sonic with...... a sword?'


How true! :rofl:

Sega are sinking to new lows in further bastardizing this franchise on the wii. lol

Thank god for homebrew and emu's.

July 21st, 2008, 19:48
Sonic's been on the cover of other Nintendo Power magazines... see volume 213 cover.

July 21st, 2008, 21:51
Brings Much Needed Swordplay To Series?

Practically everyone I've talked to so far hate the concept.

Let me try to make the story.

Sonic was enjoying some Medieval festival with all his (500) unnecessary pals...WHEN SUDDENLY...[insert villain kidnapping extra friend here]

*Insert Big the Cat line here

Sonic: I have to save [insert person here --Ill call the person Sheldon ;)]

Tails: Lets go Sonic (buttsecks)!!

*Sonic runs into some Pagan hut, where he learns how to use a sword. However you cant use the sword since a glitch hurls you into a nearby rock killing you.

After you somehow find a way around the glitch, you get ahold of Sheldon, only to find out that that was Robotnik wearing a Marilyn Monroe mask.

Anyone want to take over from me?

July 22nd, 2008, 00:16
wow, a new Sonic game. I hope this one will be better than the previous one available on Wii.

July 22nd, 2008, 11:31
...with all his (500) unnecessary pals...?

Every new playable character since tails has pissed me off.

I liked tails because he could die in single player and 2 player (sonic 2) was impressive for the time. :)