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View Full Version : Video Game Movies "Not Creative Expression"

July 23rd, 2008, 22:16
GamePolitics is one of many that is reporting on the impending removal of video game movies from the video hosting site Vimeo. While they have agreed to leave machinima alone, all walk-throughs, strategy videos, pvp battles, raids, etc, will be deleted on September 1st.
"The Vimeo staff does not feel that videos which are direct captures of video game play truly constitute 'creative expression.' Further, such videos may expose Vimeo to liability from the game creator(s), as we have already seen action from popular video game companies against videos such as these... Gaming videos are by nature significantly larger and longer than any other genre on Vimeo ..."


July 23rd, 2008, 22:29
I'm going to take a wild guess and bet that Vimeo is having some space problems on their servers and instead of buying more equipment they are using this as an excuse to free up a bunch of space.

This is why I watch my videos over at You Tube.

July 23rd, 2008, 23:17
I see what they're getting at; you wouldn't post a game walkthrough on deviantart or anything, there are sites better suited to that use. Admittedly, it's only really justifiable if this has been their stance on the matter from the start and they've made that quite clear to their users, otherwise I'd be inclined to guess it's jsut covering their asses from lawsuits. I wouldn't know as I never use the site myself :)

July 24th, 2008, 01:47
I kind of agree with them because having a hundred almost identical walkthroughs of the same game and people going around every video sharing site and a lot of these sites struggle to pay for server space and need to do some filtering of what they show and since most of these are free services we shouldn't complain too much

July 24th, 2008, 17:45
Whle I think it is a lame excuse I agree that if Vimeo doesn't put some rules over it's content, it's going to become like Youtube which is mostly filled with piece-of-junk videos.

July 24th, 2008, 23:18
In my opinion, it's good that there is a video sharing site that is adding rules not to limit creative expression, but rather to filter out junk on their website, and save space for other videos.

Still, for those that want to post up walkthroughs, playthroughs, let's plays ,etc, there's always Youtube.

July 25th, 2008, 00:57
WTF is "Vimeo"?
I'm surprised people put their walkthroughs and whatnot on Vimeo in the first place as opposed to Youtube.