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View Full Version : PSP and IPOD video

October 15th, 2005, 09:55
if now, you have extra 300 cash, will you purchase PSP or IPOD video (assume you don't have PSP nor any old version of IPOD) ?

also, for those who own PSP, a u able to listen MP3 while using homebrew such as text viewer ? (because mr. IPOD video can ) <-- this is my own qs, not showing selling points here.

October 15th, 2005, 13:11
you posted this at psp forum aswell

October 15th, 2005, 20:28
you posted this at psp forum aswell

that isn't me, I just copy his post to here.

October 16th, 2005, 00:14
notice one thing psp has 16 million colours, ipod does not :)

October 16th, 2005, 01:13
psp has a widescreen
psp has a higher resolution screen
psp can fast forward and rewind (ipod can't)
psp can do more than just passive things (miusic videos and pictures)

October 16th, 2005, 10:23
psp has a widescreen
psp has a higher resolution screen
psp can fast forward and rewind (ipod can't)
psp can do more than just passive things (miusic videos and pictures)

but the iPod has a 2" screen!! Woo Hoo!! How cool is that ?!?!!

October 16th, 2005, 17:15
lost my iPod last year, considering the a new replacement atm :)

PSP can't replace the iPod coz of its size, storage capacity & play time for music.

December 27th, 2005, 07:38
me and my friend still are sparring about this topic
he just got his ipod video for xmas
i just got my psp for xmas
the fued lives on

December 30th, 2005, 21:40
You just get so much more with a PSP, of course you cant fit as much music on a psp and the battery is a little shorter with just playing mp3s but omg, the psp has a huge widescreen display on it plays awsome fully 3d games, old snes games (emulators and roms), it can play movies on its huge widescreen, you can view pictures (so can ipod but w/e), use homebrew apps for everyday stuff like PSP-PDA and such. So i guess if you dont want any of that and just want a music player for 300+ dollars then go with the ipod.

December 31st, 2005, 01:36
the ipod is a rip off. ive got an archos recorder 20 (version1) with an 80g hd. put me back $200. for another $100 i could've got a 30g ipod. i only need one mp3 player.

December 31st, 2005, 08:01
Ipod is a DAP with video playback.
PSP is a Game handheld with Video/music playback

PSP has a 16:9 Widescreen
PSP's Widescreen consists 16.7 million colors
PSP >2.0 firmware can play emulators , isos , VNC servers etc
PSPs battery lasts 4 hours for Gaming 5 hours for Video and 13hours for music

Ipod's screen is 2"
Ipod's cant play emulators or any games because its a Digital audio player
Ipods battery lasts longer when used only for playing music otherwise it only lasts 2 hours for videos

so really if you listen to music only and want to carry your whole music collection get a DAP (Digital audio player) but not an ipod. Ipods suck for whats its worth.

If you like the idea of playing games on the go and you only carry some albums and videos with you then get the PSP.