View Full Version : Legal XNA Alternatives For Coding on the Xbox 360

July 25th, 2008, 17:57
Did you ever want to program games for the Xbox 360? Is your budget $0? Then this guide may be for you!

]With the imminent release of XNA Community Games, you may ask yourself, what other legal methods do I have to make games or applications for the Xbox 360? We have complied a list for you along with descriptions and resources for you to use. Enjoy and please leave feedback, of course spread the word!

HDi was previously used with Toshiba’s HD DVD, it was the navigation system many were so familiar with. Yes you too can use HDi to your advantage, although HDi coding is pretty “niche” right now it could grow if the right people get their hands on it. HDi seems to have a lot of potential, its easy to use and pretty easy to port applications too. I wouldn’t be surprised if someone ran Doom or built a NES emulator using HDi.

It gets pretty lengthy so to read the rest, hit the jump!

Source (http://thatgamingsite.com/?p=359)

Your thoughts?

August 13th, 2008, 17:37
I like the sound of that!
HD-DVD could have some sort of scene for all we know.