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View Full Version : Revolution Engine 0.1 public release

July 25th, 2008, 20:26
technik post in the Wiibrew forums (http://forum.wiibrew.org/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=855)

Hello, my nick is technik and I'm the developper of the Revoluion Engine.
It is a 3D games Engine for Wii. With it you may be able to easily create cool 3D homebrew games for you Wii's and publish them. Now it's still a "little baby" so many of it's features aren't available yet, but i'm already working for the next release.This is the download link:http://cjk80cf98289.googlepages.com/RevolutionEnginev0.1.rar. The main page of the project is http://www.revolutiongameengine.blogspot.com with videos and more, but it's all in spanish (because I am Spanish) as well as the license of the engine. So I think it is a good Idea to type some features here in inglish so you all know what this is able to do:
-Allows you to render full 3D Scenes in real time on your Wii with multiple dynamic Objects wich have Mesh and Texture (only one channel textures right now).
-Allows you to render 2D images over the 3D image to use as panels, texts, etc...Using simple png files so you can use it for 3Dgames, 2D games or a combination of both.
-A vector Based Cameras system that allows you to make target, first person, third person, free cameras, or any kind of cameras you want.
-Mesh loading from it's own file format, so performance is improved. This format is free, plain text, and easy to understand so anyone can make exporters or conversors from other formats.
-Texture Loading from png files using frontier's pngu library.

Great improvements are comming.

I'm going to translate it into English, gonna make some examples as well. I hope you enjoy this and make cool 3D games using it

July 25th, 2008, 21:08
what code do i use for this C C++ or java?

or is it a gui thing like gamemaker?

July 25th, 2008, 21:13
Meeeeen, gotta say this is amazing. Seems like i'm not the only one with making game engines and games on the wii using the homebrew scene

July 25th, 2008, 22:06
From the videos it looks pretty good. A lot further along than my Paradigm Engine got (damn textures). I'm gonna download and try giving it a nice stress test play demo.

Figure some of you may be interested in knowing what functions are available and such. Here is a zip including a functions list (with descriptions) and an English translation of Demo01.

Updated the function list. Added missing function, added color list, fixed unknown descriptions.

Looking at the model format it is very similar to the one the Flash version of my engine used. I could probably do some minor modification to my .an8 converter to work with this. Although I have to dig up the code first, and its Windows based. I don't think it converts texture coordinates either.

July 13th, 2009, 22:29
hey, i thought that i should say, that teknick is back to work, and that you all should be on the look out for revolution engine 0.4