View Full Version : Free iPods - a fraud???????

October 16th, 2005, 22:02
I have recently found a couple of sites that are giving away free ipods! For example http://www.claimmyfree.net and http://www.freeipod.co.uk. Do anyone now if these sites actually work? Have you had any experience of your own?

October 17th, 2005, 11:57
If you read the rules you'd know these schemes are not to be talked about on this forum. Some are a scam some are real. Chances are though, if you start askin people to join you'll get laughed at/flamed.

Now if they are real chances are you will be totally pestered for the rest of your days with spam, junk-mail, and annoying phone calls, is it really worth it just for a white lump of lastic?

If its not real then you get all the bad things without any of the good ones, ie. the white lump of plastic.

My reccomendation? not worth it, but really its up to yourself.

Oh and they're not entirely free you have to sign up for things that can cost money to get the "free" ipod.