View Full Version : Team Xtender Give Their Views on PSPTV

October 17th, 2005, 18:15
Yesterdays news at Lik Sang about a new PSPTV product was today commented on by Team Xtender (http://www.teamxtender.com/) the makers of the other PSP TV Adapter:

<blockquote>Magic Mirrors Enter The PSP Accessory Market...

Earlier today we were inundated with masses of mails which notified us of a supposed substitute product to our highly accliamed PSP2TV product.
Several websites have picked up on the news that a taiwaneese manufacturer is hard at work on magical mirror PSP2TV like device, this supposed competition will not even come close to the quality of PSP2TV.
Yes, we understand you will not have to open up the PSP to clip on the magic mirrors but remember this their whole product relies on mirrors. That means, whatever is actually displayed on the LCD screen will be mirrored to your TV.
Mirrored images will include, finger prints, scratches and all the other dust particles and grime that may be loitering on your PSP LCD screen. One actually begins to wonder wether this taiwaneese toy would be more suitable for crime scene investigators rather than hardcore PSP Gamers ?
Our original PSP2TV product intelligently gains a real live video capture from the PSP and as a result you can not only expect a top quality smooth image but also a TV display which is free of dirt and grime. Don't even get us started on how bad the quality will be from this 'competing' product, infact their concept was explored by our technicians in the initial phases of our research and development some 7 months ago. Now let's take a look the facts as to why PSP2TV will remain as the number one PSP to TV adapter for many months to come...

1) A direct capture is taken from anything that is being run on the PSP, consequently viewing experiences will be of the best quality and will not ruin any viewing experiences on the big screen.
2) S-video connection option - This will further enhance the viewing quality
3) Full support for a variety of aspect ratio's including 4:3 and 16:9, giving you the end user as much opportunity to customise your PSP2TV display.
4) Dualshock PS2 controller support meaning you utilize the superior PS2 controller method whilst playing your favourite PSP games on TV.
5) A docking station for the PSP, just rest your PSP in the docking station and enjoy the show!
6) A very simple, solderless install complete with a range of vibrant faceplates for your PSP. Yes, you will have to undo the front fascia of the PSP but this is the only way that you will get a crystal clear and dirt free image on the TV.

Many of our customers have been the likes of IGN, Gamespot and Eurogamer. Not only do they want to review this product and see how cool it is but it is actually one of very few ways that they can easily video review PSP games titles. Now imagine if their screenshot captures contained even a speck of grime ? Of course it wouldn't make the cut and the whole product would be flawed as it's not fulfilling one of it's uses.

To any successful product there will nearly always be some form of fly-by competition, we urge you not to fooled - we as Team Xtender and the high profile media who have already purchased the PSP2TV have every confidence that our device is the original and ultimate solution for a TV output from your PSP. </blockquote>

Opinions comments ?

October 17th, 2005, 19:26
I smell fear... ;)

Cap'n 1time
October 17th, 2005, 20:06
Maybe they are a bit afraid... but no mirror projector will ever be comparable with something that is directly feeding video digitally. That magic mirror thing sounds like a waste of money.. and I am sure it will be expensive too.

October 17th, 2005, 21:23
Bah... Team Xtender is ruthless. They can even be jerks to their customers. I know this for a fact... they treated me pretty darn bad.

Guys wouldn't give me any shipping info on a product. I put in a paypal investigation... guys went all anal on me and then gave me a refund and chewed me out like I ruined their life.

I mean if they can't handle internet buisness and all of its hastle and can't treat all of their customers with the utmost respect... why even bother?

I figure telling you this is fair since they have no problem dogging other people's products. These guys are ruthless. They should be supporting the effort. Not doggin it. Jerks.

October 18th, 2005, 01:05
Well if you had spent a long time researching a method to get the PSP to work with a TV and then some other company decided it was going to make some cheap knock off, wouldn't you pissed too?

I would...

I wouldn't waste the money on the cheap knockoff, for the obvious reasons above and for the fact that it makes it the PSP look like shit when its on there. The PSP2TV from Team Xtender actually makes the PSP look a console almost, with a docking station that can be positioned on a shelf near the TV and it allows for a PS2 controller to be hooked up to it. I don't know about you, but FPS games on the PSP, I have noticed, are fricking useless with the crappy control schemes they have to offer.

October 18th, 2005, 03:09
Well if you had spent a long time researching a method to get the PSP to work with a TV and then some other company decided it was going to make some cheap knock off, wouldn't you pissed too?

I would...

I wouldn't waste the money on the cheap knockoff, for the obvious reasons above and for the fact that it makes it the PSP look like shit when its on there. The PSP2TV from Team Xtender actually makes the PSP look a console almost, with a docking station that can be positioned on a shelf near the TV and it allows for a PS2 controller to be hooked up to it. I don't know about you, but FPS games on the PSP, I have noticed, are fricking useless with the crappy control schemes they have to offer.

Well with the amount of buttons the psp has... what do you expect? You can only do so much and then have to resort to button combinations.

Still... I wouldn't try to rip anybody in the tech business... reguardless. Its rude and looks bad on you... bad form... as they would say. It might even come back to bight them in the but.

October 18th, 2005, 06:16
Well if I am not mistaken, copyright laws in Taiwan and China are nothing like they are in the US(correct me if I am wrong). From what I understand, someone could make an exact replica of something that is copyrighted and patented here and have no problems selling it online.

Would explain why one can goto NYC and buy a 'Rolex' for 10 dollars...

October 18th, 2005, 06:29
AHHAHAHA, whats gunna happen is the mirrir guy is going to sell his for 10$ each, nd psp2tv is selling theirs for 120$ each... hmm .... wonder which one average joe will buy?

October 18th, 2005, 08:30
apparantly nobody here pays attention... sorry to be keeping an eye out on more than one PSP news site and posting info here from them, but this is from ps2nfo.com

"The retail price is expected to be slightly over 100 US$"

$20 cheaper for a knock off? Sorry but I'll buy the real deal if I buy either of them...

October 18th, 2005, 13:50
Not worth voiding my warranty, getting dust on the screen, messing up my PSP and making it too bulky to fit in my PGP.

not here anymore
October 19th, 2005, 00:36
Team Xtender is so correct in their statement it's almost funny.
How can you compare a product that delivers S-VHS and connects directly via the LCD connection to a shit mirror lens that grabs the PSP screen. It's so silly.
I wouldn't recommend this Magic Mirror stuff.
Well it doesn't matter much anyway, as soon as it'll be released, itll get shitty reviews everywhere. The slightest fingerprint, dust spec etc will be amplified giving a disastrous result on TV. Besides if you use a screen protector, you won't see shit on TV.
No really, i wish Team Xtender success with their product, they DO deserve it, while the Magic Mirror scammers should go to hell imho.