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October 18th, 2005, 01:10
PSP298 has released a new Gameboy Advance emulator for the PSP, this release has great speed although not 100%, it uses the full 333mhz speed, it s full screen and it also uses what looks like is the Rin file selector and can be fully configured.

Heres some screens:



Download here --> http://psp-news.dcemu.co.uk/pspgba.shtml

This is a much better GBA emu for the PSP than the other one and the speed will impress.

October 18th, 2005, 01:21
u mean 333mhz, i hope

October 18th, 2005, 01:23
er yeah :)

October 18th, 2005, 01:36
can someone try mario superstar saga on this and tell me how playable it is?

October 18th, 2005, 01:37
FINALLY! This was the first emulator I thought of when I decided to get involved with all this homebrew. Now I feel good about never buying a GBA. Keep it up, great job.

October 18th, 2005, 01:52
Both Metroid Fusion and Mario Kart are ENTIRELY unplayable. I've removed the emulator from my PSP... Hopefully something better will show up in the near future.

October 18th, 2005, 01:57
finally, a gba emulator that someone might actually consider working on adn improving, as opposed to the other one that was just a test
im greatly looking forward to future updates :D

October 18th, 2005, 01:58
eh? deja vu! same thread... different users, sorry for being a total noob here but:

hellllp... I downloaded this file but I've had no joy, the other crap excuse of a GBA emulator works fine but this one doesn't, it just comes up with an error, is there any specific ways I need to place the files and do I need to rename them?

October 18th, 2005, 02:01
It doesn't seem to pass the FFI & FFII test... Hmm, how I wished these would work...

October 18th, 2005, 02:06
How big is the average gba rom?

October 18th, 2005, 02:10
I'm impressed. It actually loaded up and started running Pokemon Emerald. The speed IS impressive compared to the other GBA emulator. Although...it's odd, but it seems the emulator actually loads games better if they're zipped. (unzipped, Pokemon Emerald wouldn't even boot up, but zipped and it loaded)

October 18th, 2005, 02:10
I've not seen any much bigger than 10mb, average would probably be about 8mb

October 18th, 2005, 02:13
I've not seen any much bigger than 10mb, average would probably be about 8mb
Actually the average might be closer to around 12mb, since some larger ROMs are around 16mb. Although it should be noted they shrink pretty amazingly when zipped. (unzipped Pokemon emerald is 16mb, when zipped it's a mere 6mb)

October 18th, 2005, 02:15
xmodx How big is the average gba rom?

about 8-16 megs

ForteGSX It doesn't seem to pass the FFI & FFII test... Hmm, how I wished these would work...

Saving on Castlevania COTM doesn't work so I doubt it would on FF1&2 either

Also if this is the speed of a gba emu with no sound core then . . . well . .
heres hoping it gets better. :( I kinda still like a build with full frames when compared to this.

October 18th, 2005, 02:15
Whats up...yeah I know first post.
Um...average size rom is 3500KB to 4500KB. I Don't know where he got 10MB. King Of Fighters EX2 is 5.6 MB and thats the biggest rom I have. I hope we get another Good Full speed emulator like Neogeo CD for the PSP.

Stupid me!!! :mad: :mad:
Zipped 5.6MB and unzipped like 10MB. I Take that back.

October 18th, 2005, 02:17
Now were getting somewhere.......still too slow to be playable though.....

Someone needs to take the source code to this and speed it up a bit.....

October 18th, 2005, 02:22
so when loading a rom I should keep it zipped?
sorry I'm being a noob about this

October 18th, 2005, 02:22
FOr the size of roms the average would be between 8 - 16 MB......Riviera is 32MB.....Im surprised by that one myself.....

October 18th, 2005, 02:26
GBA stinks guys Mario Kart would be the only reason i play GBA and that game is told to not work too great. No respect to the devloper of this program, i could never do anything remotely close so im not saying im smarter than you, or this program was dumb, but i hate GBA if your going to play gameboy bust out the olllllldddddd gameboy or gameboy color mario tennis and golf were sick and dave mirras freestyle bmx was good for its time. GBA was good upon its release with Golden Sun but it slipped VERY quickly. We need a psone emu to run FFVII FFVIII that i'm sure is in VERY HIGH demand. People would probably buy a psp just to bust out Cloud on to the go or watch Squalls development as a character and watch him unleash Lion Heart in the palm of your hands!

October 18th, 2005, 02:27
yeah! awesome start keep up the good work c

October 18th, 2005, 02:27
so when loading a rom I should keep it zipped?
sorry I'm being a noob about this
Yeah, some ROMs, or at least Pokemon emerald, load better when zipped. Although it takes maybe 30 seconds to load up.

October 18th, 2005, 02:29
This Is Nice..needs A Bit More Speed.ive Tried The Rest And This One Is Beter.it Has A File Selector So No Renaming Roms.fix The Glitches Please And This One Will Be One For The Record Books

October 18th, 2005, 02:36
tried this out, and i find it much fast than what i remember the last one to be
it has basic speed-up functions and option to turn sound on(very buggy)
keep up the good work, and maybe release source for the dev community to help?
either way, great work, keep it up

October 18th, 2005, 02:52
GBA stinks guys Mario Kart would be the only reason i play GBA and that game is told to not work too great. No respect to the devloper of this program, i could never do anything remotely close so im not saying im smarter than you, or this program was dumb, but i hate GBA if your going to play gameboy bust out the olllllldddddd gameboy or gameboy color mario tennis and golf were sick and dave mirras freestyle bmx was good for its time. GBA was good upon its release with Golden Sun but it slipped VERY quickly. We need a psone emu to run FFVII FFVIII that i'm sure is in VERY HIGH demand. People would probably buy a psp just to bust out Cloud on to the go or watch Squalls development as a character and watch him unleash Lion Heart in the palm of your hands!
You are wrong in every single way....GBA was, and still is, a very good handheld system with tons of great exclusive games....

And we all know the demand for a PSX emu is high, but so is for a GBA emu......and personally I wouldnt wipe my ass with cloud or anything FF related....such a horrible, and extremely overrated, franchise....

October 18th, 2005, 02:57
So in all of your humble oppinons is this worth putting on my psp?

October 18th, 2005, 03:05
Not quite yet if you want a full speed full sound GBA emulator.

October 18th, 2005, 03:09
Personally I wish people would stop dissing and shut the hell up. If you can make a better emu then do it, otherwise just STFU, support the hard workers that actually try, and hope that it improves, which it most certainly won't if you keep bitching. :p

Nice Work btw!

October 18th, 2005, 03:25
Although only running at about 50-60% of the GBA's speed (w/o sound), this emulator is *leaps & bounds* faster than VBA .04 and definitely a step in the right direction.

I have to agree with other posters in the past about the complexity of emulating the ARM9 vs the SNES CPU. Most likely, we may never see beyond 75% emulated speed, unless someone masters the PSP on an assembly level. Perhaps if this author got together with the SNES TYL guys who know the PSP GPU speed hacks, then we could be on to something serious..

While there is plethora of great games on the GBA, I still find the SNES vastly superior (just compare Super Mario World between the two). Be happy we have near 100% emulation of the SNES (non-Mode7/DSP ROMs) on the PSP. There are something like 700 SNES games out there, hundreds of gems and great RPGs.

I'll probably just get a GBA Micro and a flashcart eventually, mainly to play Sword of Mana, FF1&2, FF Tactics, G.Sun, Adv Wars 1&2, and the F-Zero's & Metriod's. Hmmm that's quite a few...

October 18th, 2005, 04:15
just tested advance wars 2 and warioware...they both boot up with no problem.
you can even play advance wars if you stone enough...:)

good start!:)

October 18th, 2005, 05:34
Great work.
Another emu worth watching. I'm sure the big N hates this kinda thing... :)
A few roms I've tried are playable. Here's to version 1.1...Get to work! ;)

October 18th, 2005, 05:42
most gba roms are from 1mb to 12mb packed and this does support zipped roms its still real slow but better then the last one lets hope they keep working on it. good start though

October 18th, 2005, 05:51
yeah it is a real good start, wonder if this will ever get to high enough speeds to play kirby games XD.

Super Robot Wars J works for this emu so I am rather happy for I merely wanted this emu for this serie (as well as other esteemed titles ^^)

October 18th, 2005, 06:26
I was a little unclear; exactly how well does it run Pokemon Emerald? And does it emulate sound as well or no?

October 18th, 2005, 06:39
this is a great advancement, I'm sure we'd all like to be playing our psone games but gba is a very good handheld. not having to carry it around, cause the psp is far superior, would be awesome.

I wish I could be more of help but I don't know the first thing about the code that drives those emulators.

October 18th, 2005, 07:01
its only an initial release, but its still very impressive
the sound doesnt really work, and its still not fast enough to have most games playable, but its a wonderful start

Zaibach333.....your sig....its so........mesmerizing.........cant.........look... ......away..................................

October 18th, 2005, 07:12
I'll be thrilled if an update of this emulator comes out, since I waited months for an update of the VBA. By the way, did anyone else notice if you switch the widescreen stretch view to the regular full view it keeps the options screen in the background? Looks really funny, hope thats the first to go.

October 18th, 2005, 12:12
I had a late night testing session tonight I was keen to see if any gba games will run at full speed!
So... here is a list of roms that boot up but most have speed issues (Not bad for an initial release though!):
Note: All roms were zipped.

GBAPSP test settings:

Full Screen (16:9)
Sound off (very buggy)
Max Frame Skip 2 (tested 0 also to check the true speed)
Cpu Clock 333Mhz
Running from PSP battery.

Game Name? Did it Boot? Speed Percentage? Should you bother?

Medal of Honor Infiltrator Yes 50% Nope, still too slow. Very choppy.

Advance Wars Yes 75% Maybe Its not bad (because its turn based), but still slow. (Stupid training pissed me off!)

Dragonball Z Supersonic Warriors Yes 60% Nope, way too slow for a fighting game

Megaman Battle Network 2 Yes 60% Nope, too slow.

Pokemon Fire Red (English Trans) No, stupid rom made my psp crash!

Super Bust a Move Yes 90% Yeah its runs well enough to play (dev must have used this rom to test the emu maybe)

Tony Hawks Underground Yes 70% Maybe, a bit slow still but its like skating in slow motion replay. The Menus were 100% but ingame 70%. Test this one yourself

Bomberman Tournament Yes 50% No, too slow. Bombs take about 10 secs too blow. (thats 1 mississippi, 2, mississippi, 3, mississippi... hahahaha! don't even bother)

Bruce Lee: Return of the Legend Yes 80% Not bad its playable, still a little slow (choppy) but not too bad Wayah!!!!!!

Crash Bandicoot Yes 80% Ran OK, its playable still though a little slow.

Harry Potter (Philosophers Stone) Yes 70% No, still too slow. Try if your a fan, otherwise dont bother.

Jackie Chan Adventures Yes 70% Nope, still too slow. Reminded me of bullet time in the matrix...

Sword of Mana Yes Battery ran out... haha Seemed slow through the dream sequence at the start...

Overall its great to see so many working roms, the only issue i've had with all these (Except stupid Pokemon) has been speed and sound, this is excellent for its debut. I'd like to say to the developer congrats, excellent work. Hopefully with the next release a major speed increase and we'll all have a working GBA emulator for our PSP's. Im off to try some of the roms on external power, i'll post again if any improvements...

October 18th, 2005, 12:24
VERY nice work mate, don't listen to the negatives this is the first "real" emu for gba and it shows nice potential. No offense to the other emu intended ;)

October 18th, 2005, 13:18
A very nice emu although it's too slow right now. I'm waiting for future releases!

October 18th, 2005, 14:05
Tips & Tricks for you guys from a Comercial GBA Coder.

1) Disable Sound in the emulator
2) Disable Sound in the actual game (if only volume bars, set to zero).
3) If given the option set the sound to mono/monoral.

So why all this? Well first and formost, the gba lacks a sound processor so everything is done by the cpu. Not all but quite a few games will null all sound processing when the volume is zero. So at the same time your actualy causing the cpu to run less which will help speed up the gba emu a fraction.

Again not all games does this make an improvement but on some you will notice a slight framerate improvement which should help make things a bit more playable at a frameskip of 4.

October 18th, 2005, 14:20
GBA stinks guys Mario Kart would be the only reason i play GBA and that game is told to not work too great. No respect to the devloper of this program, i could never do anything remotely close so im not saying im smarter than you, or this program was dumb, but i hate GBA if your going to play gameboy bust out the olllllldddddd gameboy or gameboy color mario tennis and golf were sick and dave mirras freestyle bmx was good for its time. GBA was good upon its release with Golden Sun but it slipped VERY quickly. We need a psone emu to run FFVII FFVIII that i'm sure is in VERY HIGH demand. People would probably buy a psp just to bust out Cloud on to the go or watch Squalls development as a character and watch him unleash Lion Heart in the palm of your hands!

Think your forgetting about Advance Wars, brilliant game!

October 18th, 2005, 14:59
Tried the following:

-Pokemon Emerald
-Splinter Cell
-Final Fantasy tactics

Work slow but work anyways. I can't say I would enjoy playing those at this speed.

October 18th, 2005, 15:55
While there is plethora of great games on the GBA, I still find the SNES vastly superior (just compare Super Mario World between the two). Be happy we have near 100% emulation of the SNES (non-Mode7/DSP ROMs) on the PSP. There are something like 700 SNES games out there, hundreds of gems and great RPGs.
Actually it's over 1000 SNES games, assuming you want to include foreign titles as well.
It's 728 in U.S. alone.

But yeah, I'm psyched about the GBA emulator, even if it's currently not quite playable. Neither was SNES9X when it first came out on the PSP, but look where we are now.

October 18th, 2005, 16:38
Tips & Tricks for you guys from a Comercial GBA Coder.

So why all this? Well first and formost, the gba lacks a sound processor so everything is done by the cpu. Not all but quite a few games will null all sound processing when the volume is zero. So at the same time your actualy causing the cpu to run less which will help speed up the gba emu a fraction.

Interesting.. is this why there is a noticeable difference in sound qwality amongst similar games between the SNES and the GBA? (with the SNES having the benefit of a custom sound chip)?

I've only played GBA games on the VBAemu for the PC. Even though I have audio on 44k, the sound fx & music sound "tinny" and a little scratchy compared to SNES. I assumed this was an issue with the emu (even tho it has been very refined over the years). Is that actually a true rendition of the GBA's audio output capabilities? If so, I'm even happier with SNES9x TYL :)

October 18th, 2005, 16:52
Am I the only one thinking "why the Incredibles?"

October 18th, 2005, 17:11
No My thoughts exactly. Ive been following GBA emulation for a while and I am really impressed with this. I mean this shows some great effort. If only i had any programming skills I would like to contribute as much as possible to the GBA emu if I can ... but GOOD JOB GUYS we really appricate it and Thanks soo much ^_^


October 18th, 2005, 17:16
Interesting.. is this why there is a noticeable difference in sound qwality amongst similar games between the SNES and the GBA? (with the SNES having the benefit of a custom sound chip)?

I've only played GBA games on the VBAemu for the PC. Even though I have audio on 44k, the sound fx & music sound "tinny" and a little scratchy compared to SNES. I assumed this was an issue with the emu (even tho it has been very refined over the years). Is that actually a true rendition of the GBA's audio output capabilities? If so, I'm even happier with SNES9x TYL :)

Yes & No. The second downfall of the GBA Sound channels is that they are only 8Bit vs the Snes 16Bit audio channels. 8Bit audio channels is painfuly stupid and hurts GBA alot (I am not looking forward to the ff6 port *shivers*). Then yes the other reason is all the audio channels you would want to play in a song must be software mixed down to 2 direct audio output buffer (fifo) where the snes had I think 8-16 seperate channels so there was little to no mixing required.

October 18th, 2005, 17:19
Am I the only one thinking "why the Incredibles?"

No your not but at the same time why the hell not? The incredibles is a movie aimed at all ages and not just children (hell toy story had more adult jokes then children jokes). Everybody has a prefference and its no different then someone slapping on mairo insted.

If you don't like it. Mod up the pbp & replace the pgn file in the emu directory. No more incredibles.

Ps, I am 22 & I am a huge fan of all pixar films.

October 18th, 2005, 18:51
I haven't had a problem with loading any roms and I've tried quite a few. The only true set back is lack of speed and lack of sound which will hopefully probably fixed in the next update assuming that there ever is an updated version.

October 18th, 2005, 19:02
No your not but at the same time why the hell not? The incredibles is a movie aimed at all ages and not just children (hell toy story had more adult jokes then children jokes). Everybody has a prefference and its no different then someone slapping on mairo insted.

If you don't like it. Mod up the pbp & replace the pgn file in the emu directory. No more incredibles.

Ps, I am 22 & I am a huge fan of all pixar films.
lol I wasn't complaining, I just didn't get why the Incredibles instead of something video game related.

October 18th, 2005, 19:06
There is an incredibles GBA game... just throwing that out there

October 18th, 2005, 19:10
I just changed my BG pic to Naruto....works for me. Anyways, I tried running Mario & Luigi Superstar Saga, and it was running OK at first but as soon as the castle screen goes up, it freezes and crashes the PSP...anyone else get this? Also, Kingdom Hearts - Chain of Memories doesn't work yet. But hey, it's good to know that someone's working on this emu. Keep up the good work, man!

October 18th, 2005, 19:17
I don't know why, but CastleVania AOS runs a tad faster than it's predecessors, HOD and COTM...very weird, considering it's the biggest rom file of the three, & has better graphics too.
Also, I just want to add a little idea of mine here...Scanline should be implemented for the graphics on the GBA emu to look better on the PSP...just a thought, don't know if anyone agrees with me.

October 18th, 2005, 19:24
I accidentally deleted the .png file for the menu background and it wont show anything else unless it has the original file name. Can some one please look at it for me and just give me that .png name. I can't unzip rar's at my office. Thanks

October 18th, 2005, 19:26
lol I wasn't complaining, I just didn't get why the Incredibles instead of something video game related.

Sorry its just that I have read alot of imature bashing of the emulator because of the incredibles. It's really lame to bash an emulator or author because of his choice in background.

I personaly always go with something from pochi since there is less to complain about.

October 18th, 2005, 19:28
Um....isn't it PSPGBA.png ???

October 18th, 2005, 19:32
I accidentally deleted the .png file for the menu background and it wont show anything else unless it has the original file name. Can some one please look at it for me and just give me that .png name. I can't unzip rar's at my office. Thanks


Oh just my opinion but the games I feel play the best are Advance Wars & Fire Emblem games. Neither are hindered badly by the slugish framerate.

Damn I wish the guy would have posted his src. A few bugs could have been fixed real quickly by now.

October 18th, 2005, 19:40
cool thank you guys, by the way the LEGO Star Wars game works really well. I figured to give it a go since thats whats in the screen shots so I figured they beta tested with that and I'm pretty damn sure I was right

October 18th, 2005, 20:56
Lunar Legend is playable but slow, and the sound is completely ****ed. Good start though.

October 18th, 2005, 20:58
yea...it does work fairly well.
another game that runs fairly too, at least at +3 is Double Dragon Advance.

October 18th, 2005, 21:13
There is an incredibles GBA game... just throwing that out there

Heh, Actualy I forgot to mention that one of my friends was an artist on that game. :)

October 18th, 2005, 22:49
Originally Posted by YourStillWithMe
...but i hate GBA if your going to play gameboy bust out the olllllldddddd gameboy or gameboy color mario tennis and golf were sick and dave mirras freestyle bmx was good for its time. GBA was good upon its release with Golden Sun but it slipped VERY quickly...

You missed out on many good gba games, not to mention (as a ff fan id think youd appreciate) ff4,5,and 6 are being ported by SE to GBA. as well as a new mana series game.

October 18th, 2005, 23:16
Yes & No. The second downfall of the GBA Sound channels is that they are only 8Bit vs the Snes 16Bit audio channels. 8Bit audio channels is painfuly stupid and hurts GBA alot (I am not looking forward to the ff6 port *shivers*). Then yes the other reason is all the audio channels you would want to play in a song must be software mixed down to 2 direct audio output buffer (fifo) where the snes had I think 8-16 seperate channels so there was little to no mixing required.

Interesting.. I was planning on trying out FFII & FF:Tactics for the first time via VBA for PC. I'm guessing due to the aforementioned sound limitations of the GBA, I'd be better of playing the actual PS1 games (and the other various FF remakes on PS1) via a PS1 emu instead of their GBA counterparts? I only briefly tried PS1 emulation and thought it was terrible, but maybe things have changed..

October 19th, 2005, 00:09
after i downlaoded it i only got a rar file and didnt get anything to unzipp and sei tool syas i need a eboot file and the file i downloaded has no ebot file in it only a rar file so i am confused can neone help me plz thx :confused:

October 19th, 2005, 00:23
after i downlaoded it i only got a rar file and didnt get anything to unzipp and sei tool syas i need a eboot file and the file i downloaded has no ebot file in it only a rar file so i am confused can neone help me plz thx :confused:
A RAR is an archive file format similar to ZIP. It can be opened using WinRAR.

October 19th, 2005, 00:25
Redownload the .rar then unzip it.
Then drag and Drop Gba and Gba% into your psp/game folder
Then you can run it.
They are porting Final Fanstasy to the GBA? Since When,theres no way to get 3D on the gameboy. Look at 007 Nightfire for GBA...what a piece of poo.

October 19th, 2005, 03:27
to serpentor
i personally thought ff1+2 was a quality game for gba, and fft advance isnt a port, its a whole new game (not on ps1).

to pspsteve
final fantasy 1,2,were originally for nes, then ported to ps1 then gba
final fantasy 4,5 and 6 are not 3D as they were originally for snes, then ported to ps1, and will be brought to gba soon.

off topic, but final fantasy 3 was originally for nes and never brought to us, though you can find fan translations, until they announced they are remakeing ff3 for the DS in 3D

October 19th, 2005, 04:52
indeed, I think we're all ff dorks. the whole 2 = 4, 3 = 6, 5 = awesome/backreleased. lol. I would personally suggest that everybody just get those for the snes emulator cause they work very very well on psp with and without sound... I can't seem to find a final fantasy tactics rom for snes but I did find tactics ogre which is prettymuch the same thing.

3d man that's nuts, do you mean 6 or 3? and when is an official advent children comming out

October 19th, 2005, 12:40
I can't seem to find a decent site to download roms. Do you guys know any?

October 19th, 2005, 22:54
The file is in RAR format so it wont work how come everytime i try and get a good homebrew app or emulator its a RAR so it wont work DAMMIT

October 20th, 2005, 03:09
to tell the truth I havent downloaded roms since 2002 or 2003 cause all the good ones have been seeked and destroyed...

I have a decent amount of the greatest super nintendo games, and a full collection of (stella compatable) atari roms.

if somebody wants me to get some hosted just let me know

October 20th, 2005, 03:18
The file is in RAR format so it wont work how come everytime i try and get a good homebrew app or emulator its a RAR so it wont work DAMMIT
You have to use WinRAR to open RAR files....just use Yahoo or Google and do a search....

Cap'n 1time
October 20th, 2005, 03:49
to tell the truth I havent downloaded roms since 2002 or 2003 cause all the good ones have been seeked and destroyed...

I have a decent amount of the greatest super nintendo games, and a full collection of (stella compatable) atari roms.

if somebody wants me to get some hosted just let me know

as cool as that is.. and really it is... you cant discuss that on these forums. :)

just trying to protect you from the mighty ban hammer.

October 20th, 2005, 04:24
oh... I will refrain commenting on such activity. I was just being helpful :D

October 20th, 2005, 04:27
I can't seem to find a decent site to download roms. Do you guys know any?

Now, maybe I'm a total retard, but on every single board I've ever been to in my entire life, asking for that stuff is always against the rules.

But then, I never read the rules anymore so I dunno, since most of it is common sense.

October 20th, 2005, 04:27
is this emu worth downloading and using? or is it still in the mmmm only if you like these games stage.

October 20th, 2005, 07:41
Now, maybe I'm a total retard, but on every single board I've ever been to in my entire life, asking for that stuff is always against the rules.

But then, I never read the rules anymore so I dunno, since most of it is common sense.

whoops sorry!! Indeed I haven't... I'm a noob so spare me:D

October 21st, 2005, 06:29
is this emu worth downloading and using? or is it still in the mmmm only if you like these games stage.

this emulator is alright to get, I played a game of advanced wars with no sound and at a slower speed. but other games might not be too worth it.

check earlier in the thread for specs on what works if you're interested in what else runs well enough to play.

October 21st, 2005, 08:30
you know if the psp was a women i cant say what i wouldent do to it.

October 21st, 2005, 14:46
whoops sorry!! Indeed I haven't... I'm a noob so spare me:D

Alright I'll spare your life this time :P

October 22nd, 2005, 14:44
Hi guys!
I tried out this emu on my PSP (1.50).
I think it is the best GBA emulator at present and some games are working.
The problems I found follow, hoping you solved them or at least developers have a guide to correct them if they are REAL bugs!!!
- Only old and small ROMS are playable the other one are too slow. I tried them and they are S L O W: the Yu-Gi-Oh! games series and Broken Sword. A best optimization is required. With a small effort this could become the BEST and ultimate GBA emulator
- The selection list is scrambled and titles overlap (for titles too long???)
- The screen in 16:9 is good but graphics are deformed. So stick to the other one (I hope it's the original GBA size). When I select the standard screen though garbage data from the selection screen (that is much larger) are visible and this give a "dirty" impression. When selecting the "small screen" all underlaying windows should be cleaned and just black bands should surround the emulator window

Are you experiencing the same problems? Do you agree?



October 24th, 2005, 20:24
agreed but what a huge step this is and no end of credit to its creator, compare this with the original gba emulator (pooh) and u can see just how far gba emulation has come, cant wait for the next instalment but i have a sneaking suspicion it wont b out til the lik sang competitions over.........shame

October 24th, 2005, 23:05
haha, maybe. but if things stay at this rate of improvement, the next one or two updates and the gba will be as capable as the other hit emulators (like snes and such).

October 24th, 2005, 23:10
lets hope so as some gba games are a real class act

October 24th, 2005, 23:18
I am totally with you. The GBA games have good graphics and they don't lack depth and lenght.
At present I only want to get my hands on a fully working GBA emulator (graphics, speed, sound). I think that if one come out, it would be worth buying a PSP just for it!!!
Imagine how many good games you can stuff on a 1 GB MS!
However I tried the SNES emulator too and it is really superb.

October 24th, 2005, 23:33
oh i spend half my day on the snes alone (super mario world, donkey kong country, and the pinnacle STREET FIGHTER 2 TURBO) but i also grew to love some gba titles such as advance wars and such so it is the next fully working emulator on my wanted list however i have heard many many mentions of the ps1 emulator, now if i could play final fantasy 7,8, and 9 and metal gear solid on my beautiful black (sony) godess then all other emus and the majority of retail games for the psp could kiss my a**

October 24th, 2005, 23:50
I've been checking this site everyday waiting for an update to this emulator. As soon as there's another update, I'll put in on my PSP (no matter how small the update).

October 24th, 2005, 23:52
PS1 emulator? For PSP? I can't believe it! I thought they were different class machines.
I can't believe there is enough power on a PSP to emulate a PS1!!!
I played FF 8 on my PlayStation and it was the best gaming EXPERIENCE I lived. I bought FF 9 but I never played it since I heard it is the last FF chapter for the PS1: so I am saving it for the future...
But, thinking about it, since life is odd I had better play it before I die...
Playing FF 8 on the PSP is a dream that could not turn in reality.
Don't fool me around please (you are, isn't it?)

The GBA emulator will be enoug: I was thinking about purchasing a GBA but then I had the money to buy a PSP. So I thought: why wasting my money if I can have both?

Please guys, work hard on the GBA emulator and make my dream come true...

October 24th, 2005, 23:57
there are people working on a ps1 emu called pspsone HONESTLY but i havent heard anymore for ages i would suppose unfortunately that it would never (if true) run fast enough to be a viable emulator for the amount of space it would take up but like that guy whos name slips my mind (JOKE)..........I have a DREAM

October 25th, 2005, 00:17
This needs an update.......NOW!

Or at least he/she should release the source code so other people could work on it......

October 25th, 2005, 00:20
i am very fond of guiness....good things come to those who wait

October 25th, 2005, 21:01
our hopes have been fulfilled! A smart, cool and sharp-minded guy (psp298) has released PSPGBA 1.1.
C'mon let's go on with our discussions on this thread PSPGBA v1.1 release (a couple of lines above).

Boys, it's a version 1.1 but it is a GREAT improvement!!! I'm crazy about it!

October 25th, 2005, 21:08
see you there geezer

October 26th, 2005, 19:33
Probably a dumb question, and i'm not even sure it belongs here, but I can't post yet. Which SNES emulator is being used and is currently the best. It looks like they haven't been updated in a while and I was just wondering if the SNES9x optimized was better then the regular SNES9x? thanks for any help.

October 26th, 2005, 23:10

October 27th, 2005, 03:45


October 27th, 2005, 08:57
nice 1 for the noobs zai

October 27th, 2005, 19:03
You have to use WinRAR to open RAR files....just use Yahoo or Google and do a search....
so im guessin WINRAR is gunna cost somethin huh?

October 28th, 2005, 00:56
no, that or its just a key gen away. *shhhhhhhhhhh

October 28th, 2005, 01:11
ive had it for months and it asks you to register every time you use it but doesnt ever stop working, cool

October 30th, 2005, 18:03
Use 7-zip. It's a free, open source compression utility. It can open pretty much any format you throw at it, including rar (the only thing i've seen it not be able to open in the past is .lzh).


October 30th, 2005, 22:31
but isnt winrar and winzip free anyways?

October 30th, 2005, 23:51
Nope. WinRAR and WinZIP are both "shareware". That means you have a limited amount of time to use it before their EULA requires you to pay for it.
I'm lucky that the people I work for bought an enterprise license for WinZIP, so I have my 3 licenses for it.

October 31st, 2005, 00:10
but ive had winrar and winzip for more than a year now and they advertise to me to buy it but still work just fine

November 3rd, 2005, 11:16
The thing is slow but not SOOO slow that is isnt playable,so keep up the good work and i hope we an see an update in speed soon because Star Wars Episode III:ROTS is GREAT and i wanna play it at a better speed

P.S.If you wanna play some good games then go to www.emultra.com and check out there roms and there is also a game there called Zoids Legacy that is KICKASS so check it out if your a ZOIDS fan GOOD JOB

November 3rd, 2005, 11:25
er... i dont think u can post that here geezer as its kinda illegal

November 5th, 2005, 20:41
was there something that was removed vince?

December 25th, 2005, 19:54
I got firmware v 2.5 and when I install the Gba emu, it says it cant load up when I run it on my PSP because the data is corrupt, does anyone know why this is?? thanks very much guys, and I think the emulation you guys come up with is bloody brilliant, whatever faults, it's still a huge step, so keep it up and reply back asap anyone who knows what Im doing wrong!!

December 27th, 2005, 16:06
I got firmware v 2.5 and when I install the Gba emu, it says it cant load up when I run it on my PSP because the data is corrupt, does anyone know why this is?? thanks very much guys, and I think the emulation you guys come up with is bloody brilliant, whatever faults, it's still a huge step, so keep it up and reply back asap anyone who knows what Im doing wrong!!

Probably because to use emulators and other homebrew applications/games, you need to have firmware version 1.5 or in some cases 2.0.

I have the latest firmware version 2.6 and I cannot play homebrew at all :( Hopefully, a downgrader or loader will become available soon, or even better, Sony actually realises the advantages and supports homebrew and/or emulators!

A GBA emulator in specific would certinaly not be supported by Sony, most likely ever. But just making it somehow possible would be awesome. Come on Sony! The PSP could truly be the ultimate handheld!

February 18th, 2006, 18:58
I am not sure how to hide the corrupt data icon. I tried Psicko and Corrupt Data Hider Utility. Any suggestions?

June 4th, 2006, 11:28
The best GBA emulator exists only on the PocketPC right now and it runs many games way past a playable speed and some near full speed. I think it will be a long time before a decent one exists for the Psp but I think it can be done with a Dynarec and optimised coding. All easier said than done obviously.

June 4th, 2006, 22:43
rename the % folder to something like "%__SCE__blablabla" and the normal folder to something like "__SCE__blablabla"

ps: oops, i didnt see its a hell of an old topic :D my bad
btw, is there any other better gba emu or does gba emulation simply froze at this one?
dynarec on the n64 will be nice, but the gba is the one that would really benefit from a well-written dynarec code, because the gba games are good, small and have portability in mind. (plus it looks and plays awesome on the psp) (if it gets perfected, itll be better than playing gba on the nintendods! lmao!) :p

June 5th, 2006, 00:56
Trust me man there is no good GBA emulator running at a decent speed and unfort. we could not convience yoyo to work on a Gba emulator iether.

June 15th, 2006, 22:20
where are we supposed to put the damn roms? :P

June 15th, 2006, 22:30
Make a folder called "roms" in the pspgba folder

June 15th, 2006, 22:43
I hope PSdonkey makes one.

June 15th, 2006, 22:44
Dont start that Donkey crap again, please

June 15th, 2006, 22:46
Butt he is rly good at makeing emoulatots.

June 15th, 2006, 23:00
oh, for cryin out loud, here we go again...

June 15th, 2006, 23:10
D00D,!!!! I know a guy whos sisters friends brother internet pen pals brother has it and he gave me it with this DS emulatiero. I whish he was mi brother.

June 15th, 2006, 23:12
D00D,!!!! I know a guy whos sisters friends brother internet pen pals brother has it and he gave me it with this DS emulatiero. I whish he was mi brother.


June 15th, 2006, 23:18
when will this ever end?.............

July 24th, 2007, 15:32
Will this emulator work with the latest psp firmware? I'm looking for one that will play on firmware 3.44 and up...

July 24th, 2007, 15:43
there is a much better gba emulator called gpsp and you wont be able to play this because you need 1.50 or custom firmwares