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View Full Version : Comcast offering a free Wii to new 'Triple Play' subscribers

July 29th, 2008, 01:13
We've seen our fair share of subscription-dependent giveaways in the past in the form of Eee PC's and even the rare PS3 offer -- but handing out a Wii with cable service strikes us as somewhat notable. According to an offer from Comcast, newcomers to the company's "Triple Play" of digital cable, VOIP service, and high-speed internet will also be able to bag an honest-to-goodness Nintendo Wii on their way out the door. Sure, you've got to sign a two-year contract (à la mobile telco policy), but you'll also walk away with a console that still can't be found on a lot of store shelves. Does this signal the ultimate dilution of the Wii into a ubiquitous and truly casual mainstay, or does it simply suggest Comcast and the big N had a sweet -- and likely limited -- deal? Only the suits know for sure.


July 29th, 2008, 06:19
Psh... I don't know about that. In June they had a free HD TV for new subscribers. We qualified for the offer, called in, and said they'd send the papers to receive the TV out asap. It's almost August now, and still no TV. We've called for weeks now and have pretty much given up. "Don't worry, it will get there." ... Well, it's not here.

July 29th, 2008, 15:35
I don't like comcast, we had their high speed for about a year. It only worked the first six months. We still get cable through them and they move our TVguide, G4, and another channel to digital only (not good digital, their shitty box).

July 30th, 2008, 20:34
comcast sucks, and so does their monolopy...