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View Full Version : Colored Wiis, Redesigned DS: Coming Never

July 29th, 2008, 01:37

OK, it's a bit dramatic for us to say "coming never," but we shouldn't expect Wiis in multiple snazzy colors (you know, the ones promised by Nintendo when the Wii was announced) or a redesigned DS (it could be RAZR-thin!) anytime soon. Instead, it sounds like Nintendo is more focused on getting each device "into the hands of more people." In layman's terms, that means "making more money selling the crap that you already won't stop buying anyway."


wiggy fuzz
July 29th, 2008, 07:23
nooooooo! i so wanted that puke green wii, too. would have matched the new puke green ds i bought, too.

July 29th, 2008, 12:05
To be honest it sounds like a good business strategy to me.

July 29th, 2008, 15:52
I'm not expecting a new DS for while, but I have still a dilemma:
My DS is now pretty old and the touch screen is pretty scratched and the L button is pretty jammed so I would need another DS. But what to buy? Lite is still pretty expensive and there COULD come a new one when I finally decided to buy it.

July 29th, 2008, 16:23
I want a black wii so it will blend my ps3 and tv

July 30th, 2008, 15:26
My ex won't buy a Wii until they come out with the black one. I keep telling him to just paint the flipping thing if you want another color so bad.

If and when mine kicks the bucket, and they happen to have black ones by then, I'll snag one. I just honestly don't care what color it is as long as it does it's job. And it does :3