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View Full Version : Take-Two excited about Wii, mum on GTA for the system

July 30th, 2008, 01:30
We already know that Nintendo DS is taking up residence in Liberty City thanks to GTA: Chinatown Wars, but what about GTA on Wii? Reggie wants it, gamers want it, but will Take-Two ever deliver? Speaking to GameDaily about any such plans, Take-Two CEO Ben Feder had this to say: "We know the Wii pretty well. We're building up assets to develop for the Wii and we're excited about its growth," but added, "I can't comment on GTA specifically on the Wii."

Something about another of Feder's comments seemed vaguely familiar when compared to those of Nintendo's Fils-Amie, who's said he'd welcome a GTA game on Wii as long as it's developed specifically for the platform. "Our goal is to be the most creative and innovative company in the industry," Feder said, further explaining, "You don't get there by just porting and dumping games on the shelves. You get there by looking at the platform and creating games specifically for that platform." Sure sounds like what Reggie's asking for to us.
