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View Full Version : GTA: Chinatown Wars to Feature WiFi Support

July 30th, 2008, 01:38
Rockstar today launched the official site for upcoming DS-exclusive GTA China Town Wars. The site is little more than a placeholder for the game but we were able to squeeze one bit of potential news out of all of that empty space.

Down at the bottom of the page there's the universal symbol for the Nintendo WiFi Connection. It's not too far a leap to think that means that the upcoming touch-action game will have some sort of WiFi support. Of course we haven't a clue if that means a free downloadable demo to share with friends or full-on multiplayer support. Here's hoping it's the latter.


July 30th, 2008, 09:26
Yes! Yes! Yes! lol

July 30th, 2008, 12:40
old news
here is a bit of news its made by Rockstar Leeds in conjunction with Rockstar North who made the psp gta the people who are making this one didnt make the gba one.
-online play in hope is for adding content.
-it better be 3d ( a bit like jackass ds would suit me)
-2d is crap
-it better not be too colorful
-there better be good guns