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View Full Version : New VCD or SVCD on the way?

October 23rd, 2005, 01:48
hey guys ive been in the scene for a long time now reading and checking everything out, Just wanted to say thank to all the coders and wemasters and to everyone else that keeps the dreamcast going.(1 of the best systems ever in my opinion). Just thought id ask a question i know Kos is getting better and better Just wandering if anyone is going to be releasing a new vcd or svcd player for the dc or maybe even a new divx player for the dc the old ones were coded a while back and i assume with the new dreamcast tools now we could see better players in the future. If im wrong i would like someone to say so. Thank guys

October 23rd, 2005, 03:06
uDCdivx is the newest out. you should look for it, it has many advances over older players.