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View Full Version : PSP Chess Clock - using Genesis emulator

October 23rd, 2005, 05:22
PSP Chess CLock - Using Sega Genesis emulator for PSP

First of all im not a programmer and digital chess clocks cost alot so i just learned a few different
programming languages to code this. Finally i decided to use BASIC and code it for the sega genesis
emulator available for PSP.

Player name and time inputs are done using a letter/number scroll (arcade style)
Press SQUARE to advance to next letter or number.
Press START to accept inputs.

Press the TOP LEFT and RIGHT buttons to toggle between players turn.(just like a chess clock) I have included little beeps to signal the button was pressed, so you dont have to look at the clock to see if it has changed turns.

Also any cheap PSP stand is recommended.

You need to enable 6 button emulation option in your genesis emulator.
Im using PSPGENESIS works perfectly.

Send any comments or feedbacks to


October 23rd, 2005, 06:00
bizare, no other comment