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View Full Version : GTA 100 Percenters Have 7 Days to Get Their Key

August 3rd, 2008, 01:11
Rockstar sent notices out sometime after midnight to players who achieved 100 percent completion in Grand Theft Auto IV during the game's "Key to the City" contest (now closed, so if you're at 98.3 percent, suck it up.) Reader Farnic sent us a screenshot of his (fullsize after the jump). The fine print: "If you do not respond within seven days, you will be made ineligible for the prize." Also, it could take up to 120 days to get your key, depending on how many they have to make.

I think there's a legal compliance reason for that. I got a prize for being a finalist in a bad-movie contest run by Radar, and they made me sign an affidavit and send it back in seven days too. OK, so that was my passive aggressive way of linking to some OT bullshit. Anyway, the Rockstar notice has the image of what looks like the key all the eligible 100 Percenters will receive. So congrats to Farnic and all who got it. When it arrives, take pictures of the unboxing and send them along.


August 3rd, 2008, 09:09
Wtf! I didn't know about this till now.... I would of actually tried for the 100%

August 3rd, 2008, 13:38
Wtf! I didn't know about this till now.... I would of actually tried for the 100%

yeah i didn't know either but i wish it was more like downloadable keys to the city like crackdown instead of having to get 100 percent cause that just sucks as i can only play gta 4 for 10 mins at a time on the 360 as it will say something like clean disc cause its dirty.