View Full Version : [Release] ChildBeGone V. 1 by crait 08/01/2008

August 3rd, 2008, 17:45

Version 1
Release Date 8/01/2008
By crait

http://www.usask.ca/communications/ocn/06-july-07/images/sad_face.jpg HAHA!

# Summary
# Requirements
# Download
# Closure
# Want More?

# Summary:
ChildBeGone is a simple, customizable program that was made to keep other people* from seeing your private files, updating your PSP, deleting your files, or generally playing with your PSP while you are not watching.
It can be set to be autobooted from the memory stick and is easily exited by you. The button scheme in exiting is simple to remember but hard to figure out because of the odd way you have to hold your PSP while pressing the buttons.
This also turns on USB mode to create quick file transfers or if you forget the buttons to quit the program.
What's great is that you can customize the message that appears on the screen whenever the program is ran so if there is someone who takes/steals/updates your PSP system often, you can directly tell them to leave your stuff alone!
*I use this to keep my little brother from messing with my PSP whenever I'm at school! It works great!

# Requirements:
1: A PSP Slim or Original model with at least 3.xx Custom Firmware installed.
2: Autobooting capibilities. (Please visit here if you do not have this: http://forums.qj.net/showthread.php?t=142577 )
3: A memory stick.
4: Common sense.

# Installation:
1: Place the BOOT folder under X:/PSP/GAME/ .
(There should be a config.txt file and an EBOOT.PBP file within that folder.)
2: Enable the plugin and set it to autoboot ChildBeGone from within the BOOT folder.
3: It's set up! Reset your PSP to make sure ChildBeGone is booting up instead of the XMB.

# Download:
http://crait.ueuo.com/Zip.gif ZIP: DOWNLOAD (http://www.uploading.com/files/GCY05872/CBG.zip.html)
http://crait.ueuo.com/Readme.gif ReadMe: VIEW (http://crait.ueuo.com/CBG.TXT)

# Closure:
If you have a comment about this program, if you have questions, if you liked it, or if you want to flame me, then you can contact me via E-Mail or Aol Instant Messanger or Private Message. You can also reply on this topic and I'll try my best to help :P
E-Mail: [email protected]
Aol Instant Messanger Screen Name: thecrait

#Want More?
Head on over to http://crait.ueuo.com/ if you wanna download some more of my programs ^L^
Systems & Sketches is a great, great forums where you can talk to great people! http://www.sands.co.nr/
I also have a great forum section at Brewology.com
