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View Full Version : Kanji Flashcards (Lua)

October 27th, 2005, 07:28
karurosu released Kanji Flashcards yesterday, heres the info from the post in our LUA Forum here --> http://www.dcemu.co.uk/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=12909

I made some flashcards for the PSP written in LUA, there is a readme text that shows how to use it. Please be careful, it needs to copy about 6350 files, and I don't know if that is harmful for the memory stick, it's just a warning, if somebody knows if it is true, please tell me. (you will need about 50 mb of free space, the files take 15, but the extra is for the FAT)

Download via the Release Thread here --> http://www.dcemu.co.uk/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=12909 until i make a new page :)

October 27th, 2005, 11:03
Tried the program...well tried to try actually. I had 110mb left on my stick, and installed the stuff onto the stick...and it just said full as it got to about 3500 files...Not sure how that works, but I guess that means there is a limit on how many files you can have on it.

BTW not sure if you study Japanese, but it is cool if you dont, but my point is, there are only 1940 something government supported Kanji...the rest are superfluous...and not in common use. There are more of course for scientific stuff, but they arent commonly studied. YOu might want to think about cutting them out...You have over 6000 in there. Even the average Japanese person only knows about 3000-4000, that includes academics.

I understand that you ripped a lot of it out of a dictionary pack which I gather from the license included with it...but at the same time ask yourself do you know every word in the English dictionary? Hate to be graniloquent and affront you, that is not my intention, as I am trying to display alacrity here. The apropos of what I am saying is that maybe you might want to reduce it (^_-). Just a thought

If you can get this thing to work, I am all over it. Didnt touch the hiragana or katakana, but I am really into this if you can fix it up...but 6000 characters is a little crazy champ...Just a though. I would try to cut it down, but my kanji is that hot either...I know maybe 700-800, study fairly frequently...but that aint enough to sort this out.

Anyway goodluck and hope someone can help you get this sorted...would love to see it working, its a great idea.


October 27th, 2005, 12:48
hi all this is also my first post i didnt post earlier because i thought i really had nothing important to say except praising all the hard working coders out there

this app could become a VERY handy tool to help you learn the japanese kanji but as already said in the above post the amount of kanji should be reduced to maybe 2000 , it would even be better if you could choose the "difficulty level" you maybe know about the JLPT and it would be great if the users will be able to choose which JLPT level kanji they want to learn
i mean you should start with basic kanji then advance to "harder" ones.....

theres another idea i have, i dont know a thing about coding but IS is possible to pack all the single kanji (this idea also applies to hiragana and katakana scripts) into one file? as this will greatly reduce the required space
i also know that this WILL cause complications in the code but still is would be great.....

sorry for my bad english
i didnt intend to write this much sorry


October 27th, 2005, 20:47
Hi to all. Thanks for your comments.
I want to trim down the number of kanjis to something near 1200, this is according to kanjidic's frequency of use.
I will try to do that in a future release also, pack every file into a big one, so the file limit is fixed.
IF anybody is interested to help me sort the kanjis, please contact me

October 28th, 2005, 01:46
man, i wish i could be bothered to learn a new language nevertheless keep up the good work san LOL