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View Full Version : Summon Night 2

August 4th, 2008, 23:07
Newly released at import specialists Play Asia:


Linbaum used to be a paradise, it was saturated with a nurturing power which gives life to the world. However, it is precisely because of this energy which attracts the onslaught of invaders. To battle these foreign forces, the inhabitants of Linbaum are born with either one of these two powers, summoning, or repatriation. By utilizing their strengths, they successfully stopped the invasions.

However, power brings corruption. After the war with the invaders ended, the people used their powers against each other and soon Linbaum fell.

After centuries, the chaos reached a new height and the war of the colorless factions happened. When things finally settled down, the blue faction realized that they have brought up a summoner amongst them. Perhaps the faction leaders were taking their history lessons to heart, they have sent the summoner on a journey as a form of alienating and exiling him/her.

However, without taking his/her treatment to heart, the young summoner set off to his/her adventures.

The game is split into chapters, and each chapter contains an adventure part where the player talks to various characters to advance the plot and/or buy weapons and items to prepare themselves for the battle. After every battle there is the nightly chat session where you build up bonds with the characters around you.

Choose to have a conversation with a character of your choice. These parts decide the ending of the game and the person you end up with.
