View Full Version : [lol at spam] Half life vs counter strike, whats the difference?

August 5th, 2008, 02:28
Our package just got here last week from China with these really cool CS figures from spam removed that I bought for my son. He is only 8 and I am starting to think that the computer game is a little too violent for him but the toys are kinda cute and harmless. Does anyone know if these characters have names? You can see them at this pagespam removed unless they moved them by the time you read this. I have heard some people call this game half life, is there a difference?

August 5th, 2008, 15:20
They are different series, but Counter-Strike originated from a Half-Life modification.

August 5th, 2008, 15:39
lol, JKKDARK talking to spambot ;)

the title has nothing to do with the post and he links to the same website twice. And the "characters names" are written beside pictures (which are products for sale )


August 8th, 2008, 06:29
i think the difference is that they are both shooters, and they both have bullets that don't really penetrate as far as i know. i think they are just deleted from the game when they hit something, and a blood sprite is placed at the point of the hit.