View Full Version : MapThis + Bluetooth + Holux

August 5th, 2008, 09:58
Hi! I'm new around here, and couldn't locate an answer in the FAQ's so here goes...

Using a bluetooth adapter ( http://cgi.ebay.com/New-PSP-Bluetooth-MP3-Stereo-Dongle-Adapter-Black_W0QQitemZ260126644656QQcmdZViewItem?_trksid= p3286.m20.l1116 ) , is it possible to use MapThis with a Holux receiver (GPSlim240, M1000, etc.) using the bluetooth connection instead of a USB/wired connection?

-Thanks for a kick-@ss application! Looking forward to future releases :thumbup:

August 5th, 2008, 10:47
i think that one is not a spp adapter,only a regular audio bluetooth transmitter..i could be wrong though..

August 5th, 2008, 12:30
lol, 45 usd. I have a bluetooth receiver too, would be nice if it would work, but I think its not the money worth ^^.