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View Full Version : RemoteJoy - OpenGL mod v0.2.0

August 5th, 2008, 16:39
kurokaze has posted and released in our PSP Development forum the following:

I'm not really a programmer, but I've just become obsessed with getting my PSP-on-monitor setup looking nice, so I'm hard at work on a modification to RemoteJoy to run OpenGL shaders (specifically working with those designed for Pete Bernert's PSX OpenGL2 plugin) in order to provide a fast-performing good-looking alternative to RemoteJoy ResizeMod's ugly scaling and vaseline-smear dog-slow antialiasing mode.

Not all the included shaders seem to work. I don't have time to fix this right now but I wanted to get this up so I can download it elsewhere.


-Added GUI frontend
-Added all of Guest(r)'s shader pack
-Changed default shader from 'bloom' to 'AA Guest 2.0 Bloom' (same shader, new name)
-Reimplemented console



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August 5th, 2008, 19:22
thanks kurokaze i'll give this a shot

August 5th, 2008, 23:31
great little app... works great too... except for the sound lags...

August 6th, 2008, 04:57
works on mine :P so im happy... but how come it wont work with my ISO's, Homebrew and it only works with my Maverick Hunter X UMD... why so???

August 6th, 2008, 06:48
I love this program more than PSP component cables and FuSa!

August 7th, 2008, 06:25
Noob here... how does this work? :)

August 7th, 2008, 07:11
This version wasn't really ready for public release. I've got a new one that should be coming tonight if I can track down this one last bug.

Carlitx: Did you try all three versions of the remotejoy.prx? Phat or slim? Are you using 4.01 or something older?

All my testing is on the only testbed I have access too, a slim running 4.01, with only the games I have. Anything else will require people like you and trial and error.

Also, the plugins are compiled against the 4.01 firmware. I don't know what this does to their compatibility with older versions. I'd figure they would run on anything 3.71 or above, but they might be more or differently unstable.

By its very nature remotejoy (on the PSP side) is an unstable program. Most games probably push the PSP to the limit or near, either because they really need the power or because they just don't optimize their code with the idea that anything else will be running residently. For example, most programs grab all of the PSP's free memory for use as a heap whether or not it is needed, leaving little to none for plugins. So squeezing in that 260k of memory for a 16-bit RemoteJoy buffer is harder than you'd think.

Basically we have to, through trial and error, find where to stick that 260k framebuffer so that it will cause as few problems as possible. Unfortunately, this place is different for different types of games and apps and such. That's why there's three versions of the plugin, so that their different stability characteristics can hopefully provide an environment where everything is playable.

August 7th, 2008, 10:33
kurokaze you have my props because i think you've done a great job... Crisis Core runs like a baby smoothly and no sound problems... ITs really a dream... FF Tactics does have some sound problems though... But FF1 and Valkyrie Profile don't... (I'm using all umd versions) but it seems the plugin won't run with ISO's nor homebrew... Plus the bug aof the HOME button is a little bugger at times... Aside from that it works like a charm...

You said there's three versions of the plugin... Which do you recommend more?

Anyway great job! :)

August 7th, 2008, 12:59
Well all the credit for stuff running smoothly goes to the original author Tyranid, as all the PSP-to-PC stuff is pretty much his; all I've done is enhance the PC side somewhat and fiddle with a memory location on the PSP side.

remotejoyc.prx is the one to use for anything but UMDs from my testing. I have no idea how well it works on Phat though. It's not likely to have the same UMD crash that Slims, but when I try the memory location it uses on Phat on my Slim I just get an instacrash. On Phat chances are that one of these is true:

- remotejoyc.prx works flawlessly
- remotejoyc.prx fails completely

Personally I use the one included as 'remotejoy.prx' in GAME and 'remotejoyc.prx' in POPS because I'd rather have a menu crash than give up UMDs. It seems like I might be very lucky with its compatibility though as lots of people are reporting crashes on ISOs.

August 7th, 2008, 15:35
Thank you. kurokaze...
I tested v0.2.0 with phat/4.01 M33-2.

BTW I can't see screen on PC. but I can control PSP using PC keyboard.
Only screen out doesn't work.

So I run 'remotejoy.exe' in 'remotejoysdl_resizemod_v0.2.1' instead of 'rjgl.exe'
It works well.
I use 'remotejoy.prx' in PSP same.

Any of idea?

this is my pc screenshot http://img247.imageshack.us/img247/9785/remotewh1.jpg

p.s.) sorry my english...

August 7th, 2008, 22:41
Try 2.5. I fixed a bug that could cause all-white output.

If that doesn't fix it, try with all default settings and fiddle with F1 (old/new graphics engine), F4 (low res input mode) and F5 (disable/enable shaders).


August 7th, 2008, 23:31
can someone help please?!

Because for the PSP directory, I can only choose the desktop and items on the destop... weird.

August 23rd, 2009, 17:35

This file no longer exist, please reupload to another server

December 28th, 2009, 15:05
Should anyone find themselves in possession of RemoteJoy GL 0.2.5, please provide a link. Thank you in advance.

December 30th, 2009, 07:03
Should anyone find themselves in possession of RemoteJoy GL 0.2.5, please provide a link. Thank you in advance.

I, already found, but it is pretty incompatible, instead use remotejoy20a, is by far pretty much better.

December 30th, 2009, 13:54
I had had some difficulties in making RJGL 0.2.0 work on Windows 7 x64, but once I disabled driver signature and set affinity to CPU 0, it worked flawlessly. I was hoping to see if there were any improvements in 0.2.5.
Btw, should anyone need this, you can automatically set the CPU affinity for any program with THG Task Assignment Manager 1.0 (http://www.filewatcher.com/m/taskassign.zip.220460.0.0.html) (simply to avoid doing the CtrlAltDel - Task Manager - right click sequence every time). It seems RJGL does not enjoy working on multiple cores. :)

I stick to RJ GL because it provides antialiasing options and makes the PSP image more acceptable in full screen even on a 22 inch monitor.

January 1st, 2010, 07:04
I had had some difficulties in making RJGL 0.2.0 work on Windows 7 x64, but once I disabled driver signature and set affinity to CPU 0, it worked flawlessly. I was hoping to see if there were any improvements in 0.2.5.
Btw, should anyone need this, you can automatically set the CPU affinity for any program with THG Task Assignment Manager 1.0 (http://www.filewatcher.com/m/taskassign.zip.220460.0.0.html) (simply to avoid doing the CtrlAltDel - Task Manager - right click sequence every time). It seems RJGL does not enjoy working on multiple cores. :)

I stick to RJ GL because it provides antialiasing options and makes the PSP image more acceptable in full screen even on a 22 inch monitor.

But low game compatibility.

January 3rd, 2010, 16:38
All the games I have tried have worked flawlessly. It is only a matter of compatibility with the PSP. Basically, once USBHostFS is up and running both on the PSP and the PC and IR Shell shows up on the PC monitor, it's smooth sailing all the way, no matter what I load - games, apps, XMB.

Could you post a link to your RJGL 0.2.5 kit?

Thank you. :)

January 6th, 2010, 19:04
All the games I have tried have worked flawlessly. It is only a matter of compatibility with the PSP. Basically, once USBHostFS is up and running both on the PSP and the PC and IR Shell shows up on the PC monitor, it's smooth sailing all the way, no matter what I load - games, apps, XMB.

Could you post a link to your RJGL 0.2.5 kit?

Thank you. :)

Let me rearch on my discs, and I will post for you.

But I remember that only a few games works on it.

Here it is my friend.


Good luck with that thing.

January 9th, 2010, 20:02
Temporarily unavailable... :( Could we try that again?

January 11th, 2010, 07:18
Temporarily unavailable... :( Could we try that again?

I saw that is working.


Try later, or on other machine.

Already have 2 downloads from that link.

January 13th, 2010, 20:52
jerrymh, thank you. I have downloaded the .zip. It works like a charm, just like 0.2.0, but with more shader options.
Thanks again for everything. :)