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View Full Version : Another Grand Theft Auto Title Coming Soon ?

October 31st, 2005, 23:21
Heres a curious statement:

Take-Two is reducing its fiscal 2005 guidance to reflect several factors, including the movement of the launch of Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories for the PSP(TM) handheld entertainment system in certain European territories from the fourth quarter of fiscal 2005 to the first quarter of fiscal 2006, due to unexpected delays in final product testing and submission. Shipments of the title have been made to the UK in the fourth quarter, with the title expected to ship in the remaining European territories in late November."

"For Fiscal 2006, we are well positioned for the opportunities to extend our brands across the large installed base of current generation platforms, as well as next generation hardware including the two previously announced Rockstar Games titles for the PSP, one of which is a new Grand Theft Auto title."
-- Paul Eibeler, President & CEO, Take Two Interactive

SO there you go, a new GTA Title for next year.

November 1st, 2005, 00:05
sweet. i love liberty city and all but a new city would be great. rockstar know what makes a good city i'm sure they'll pull off one hell of a game for the next GTA, especially now they've nailed multiplayer on the head...

gta is going next gen, the consoles will just follow and support it

...there's other games?? ;)

November 1st, 2005, 00:44
The way I read it, it said more to me about FISCAL year 2006, which has just begun.
Rockstar is telling you that they have TWO titles for FISCAL year 2006, one of which is the ALREADY RELEASED Grand Theft Auto game. That means there is one more Rockstar game they will release, but it's NOT another GTA.
FISCAL years, not CALENDAR years. Federal government FISCAL year starts October 1st.
Don't know WHEN R*'s FISCAL year starts, but it probably follows the Wall Street trend which follows the U.S. government. But every corporation is different.
In other words, there IS no new GTA game that is going to be released for the PSP next year. If you think about it, it makes sense. They want GTA1 to sell throughout an entire fiscal year whilst they develop a NEW GTA for whatever platform.

"A fiscal year or financial year is a 12-month period used for calculating annual ("yearly") financial reports in businesses and other organizations. In many jurisdictions, regulatory laws regarding accounting require such reports once per twelve months, but do not require that the twelve months consitute a calendar year (i.e. January to December). However, a new company or business has to decide at the beginning on which month their fiscal year will start, and then (generally) stay with it. "

November 1st, 2005, 04:22
you just crushed my next dreamy post (1 simple word INFRASTRUCTURE) damn it

November 1st, 2005, 09:39
iball, it says, in quotes, 'a new grand theft auto' and 'psp platform'

I think it's pretty obvious when the fiscal year is, as info is always relased around this time.

we're not all 12 on here...

November 1st, 2005, 09:59
I think iBall is on the Ball there, it does sound like the "new" GTA title they are talking about is the one we've already got.

(Well, some of us have got... I ain't upgrading to 2.0! I'd rather buy a 2nd PSP then put my lovely Homebrew at risk with questionable upgrading/downgrading pratices)

November 1st, 2005, 11:43
"...as well as next generation hardware including the two previously announced Rockstar Games titles for the PSP, one of which is a new Grand Theft Auto title."
Not "going to be" but "is". Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories IS a "new Grand Theft Auto title."
It says it has PREVIOUSLY ANNOUNCED two titles. One of which is a new Grand Theft Auto title. In other words, if they were to release a NEW GTA in CALENDAR YEAR 2006, we would have already heard about it by now. What they are referring to is the JUST RELEASED GTA. Since this is a company statement on their finances, they are using the words "Grand Theft Auto" because investors KNOW those are hot-selling titles that generate massive revenues for Take Two. Take Two WANTS them to know that to generate an increase in their stock price and quarterly earnings.
99.9% of all investors are usually NOT gamers, but they DO read the news. They KNOW GTA is a hot-selling item, and those with children who play video games at home KNOW what Grand Theft Auto is by now. :)

November 1st, 2005, 12:03
including the two previously announced Rockstar Games
Is that Midnight Club? or sumfing else

November 1st, 2005, 12:50

November 1st, 2005, 13:47
So far, I don't see anybody saying, "No iBall, you are completely wrong! There will be a new GTA this summer for the PSP!". There's no need to defend yourself against an argument that doesn't exist, especially in BOLD LETTERS and ITALICS.

Clearly Wraggster just got a little over excited at the prospect of even more GTA fun. You can't blame him, it is a tasty prospect.

November 1st, 2005, 13:52
oh well maybe 2007 then?

November 1st, 2005, 14:09
well they dont need to rush anything, we dont want a GTA:GBA on our hands :)

November 1st, 2005, 14:52
It will probably be another year before another GTA title comes out for the PSP.
They have to look at feedback from the current one as well as think up new ideas for another one. They also do make OTHER games besides GTA.

November 1st, 2005, 16:36
apparently there's more to this:

We're excited to identify today that one of the previously announced Rockstar PSP title's for fiscal 2006, has a Grand theft Auto title.
so they very well may be a new gta title and not just LCS on the PSP and if so it's out in less than a year. good stuff.

November 1st, 2005, 16:44
Where's that quote from?

November 1st, 2005, 20:07
a gta psp site, gtaportable.com I think, lol not a great sourcing there sorry.

seems there's a new artical on it a few threads above.

did anyoneread about this a while back too? It might've been speculation but it does seem they'll pump out another one of these later in the year, and why not. There's blatently a lot of work to go into making this work on the PSP which they've done very well. The rest of the work (minus mission coding) will be level design, and that was already about 90% done, so there's more reason for them to be able to pump out another, espeically if they've got all the tools, code and models ready to use....which they probably have.

the PSP isn't gonna last more than 2 or 3 more years, having a GTA title come out about a year later will no doubt do sony and rockstar a huge amount of good, especially if it's like this one (i.e. everyone wants it and noone can pirate it).

November 1st, 2005, 20:27
Ah, yes, someone else on another site also misread the statement and then decides to post on another website the following:
"We're excited to identify today that one of the previously announced Rockstar PSP title's for fiscal 2006, has a Grand theft Auto title."
Lots of people read it, think it's the gospel and then go on to spread it around the world.
The PSP will be around a looooong time. Sony has a hit on its hands and they know it.
Think about it...how many firmware upgrades did Sony release for the PS1? None.
How many for the PS2? None. Why? Because the hardware capability just wasn't there, nor the distribution system. Now they have a firmware distribution system down pat: the internet. Sony has basically created a new CONSOLE. Yes, it's a handheld, but it's still a console. And this particular console is more advanced than it's brother, the PS2. Why? Simple. It's got wi-fi AND mass-storage capability up to 2 GB. Now, why you think that's not a lot, look at some of the downloadable content that's already been made available for WipeOut Pure and soon-to-be-released content for Fired Up. Another thing you have to remember is that almost every single PS2 title CAN be ported to the PSP, and probably every single PS1 release can as well. You just take the original code and change it to reflect the new hardware. Simple in theory, complex and time-consuming to do in real life. But it can be done.
Now, since Sony is coming out with the PS3 (God knows when...those dates keep slipping), a lot of devs are going to put together slap-dash crap for the PSP while concentrating on the PS3. That's a shame, but Nintendo GBA owners know what I'm talking about with all the new DS releases. Now I know some of you are going to say "but the hardware in the PS2 is more POWERFUL!" So? Look at GTA LCS and then look at GTA Vice City. Umm...notice any real big graphic differences or major differences in gameplay (other than controller issues)? Didn't think so. So yes, it CAN be done, it's just up the devs themselves to do it. Sony can't force them to do it.
The PSP is going to be around a looooong time. More than 2 or 3 years. I would bank on at least 4-5 for support for the current PSP, then a new PSP will come out utilizing new hardware and storage technology that wasn't available when they were building the first PSPs. Call it PSP2 if you will.

November 2nd, 2005, 03:39
gta vice city stories, gta san andreas stories, im definately waiting for the latter which is due for release fiscal f*****g never but i do wish it was LOL

November 2nd, 2005, 09:16
naaa we dont need those games, a new city will be the key now I think :)

November 2nd, 2005, 13:04
i was jokin (but san andreas would def b cool with me)