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View Full Version : Finally, we can play Goldeneye on the psp!!! (with just a tiny bit of tweaking)

November 1st, 2005, 05:21
Someone took the time to make the goldeneye wad for the gp32! you just load it up into the doom wad folder and run it and can play goldeneye. it's a really awesome conversion. the only problem is, though this works fine on gp32, it crashes on the psp since it wasn't designed for the system.

is there anyone here who can make the tweaks to get htis game working on the psp without crashing? please :)


November 1st, 2005, 19:32

November 28th, 2005, 08:07
no offense, but Goldeneye is aweful on the PSP.

dont get me wrong. i loved the N64 version like everyone else.

the conversion for the PSP looks exactly like the Doom version, all thats changed is the block shaped characters clothes.

i just dont have fun playing a multiplayer game by myself.