View Full Version : MotionPlus tech not exclusive to Nintendo

August 8th, 2008, 20:16
via Eurogamer (http://www.eurogamer.net/article.php?article_id=208432)

InvenSense, the company that makes the MotionPlus accessory, has told Eurogamer the relationship with Nintendo is "not an exclusive" one.

According to bigwig Joe Virginia, other companies are interested in the tech - but he's not naming any names.

"Of course we're incredibly pleased - delighted would probably be a better adjective - that Nintendo approached us... but it's not an exclusive relationship," Virginia told us.

"I can't get into details about other folks that are interested in this technology, but as you might imagine of course there is more interest out there."

The clip-in Wii peripheral adds a "MEMS (micro electrical mechanical systems) rate gyroscope" to the Wiimote. This allows rotation around the X, Y, and Z axes produced by the accelerometer.

When asked if the technology will open doors for Wii developers, Virginia replied, "Oh absolutely. Yeah, absolutely. And the reason we say that is the type of capabilities they have.

"With six degrees of freedom you can basically make any movement at all, and be able to track that in combination with the sensor bar and other sensors included in the Wii remote. Add the gyroscope capability and you have the ability to work in all three dimensions of space," Virginia continued.

"What you're looking at are golf swings; tennis rackets where you can put top-spin on balls; bowling where you can bowl curves; sword motions with forward thrusts; and in Wii Sports Resort the throttle ability." Sounds golden, Virginia.

Motion-sensing cannot work on any more axes; "Six degrees of freedom is the holy grail," apparently. The future will be more responsive and robust gyroscopes that are smaller and cheaper to produce. The power of force feedback within the peripheral is important, too.

"I really think we've just begun to scratch the surface, gaming is a huge application. But if you think of where motions and where motion-sensing can be applied then there are so many applications; this is a great time to be in the business," added Joe Virginia.

"What we hopefully have done is provide our partner with new, increased capability, and what we're so excited to see and await with bated breath is how that will be used.

"Of course in Wii Sports Resort is one application, but what's the future in gaming? I don't know. We provided some great capability and we'll see what happens," he said.

Nintendo is yet to set a standalone price for MotionPlus, but will be bundling the peripheral with Wii Sports Resort - the game used to demonstrate gyroscopic potential during Nintendo's E3 press conference.

We had a chance to see the game and MotionPlus at the show and were very impressed. Head to our hands-on impressions of Wii Sports Resort to find out more.

wiggy fuzz
August 8th, 2008, 21:03
so, it's just ended up stick shaped sixaxis, really?

August 8th, 2008, 23:28
Nintendo is so fecking stupid. They should have just bought this company before they announced the motion plus. Nintendo is leaving the door open for Sony or Microsoft to buy this company and then screw them over. They could have bought this company and then made the technology for this add-on exclusive and then when the copycats at MS and Sony decided to use this technology the big N could sue and prevent this. They were already screwed over once when MS bought Rare which is preventing them from publishing Goldeneye which would be a huge cash cow for them. It is sad that Nintendo has not learned a lesson.

August 8th, 2008, 23:33
Nintendo is freaking stupid. They should have just bought the company before Sony or Microsoft do and then screw Nintendo over.

I had to read that four times before i got the meaning of it, but now that i understand it i completely agree. Microsoft has more than enough money to buy and i'm sure Sony has enough money to buy it. Nintendo should buy this, making it completely exclusive and the n buy the world with all the money they rake in with it...... OK, maybe they can just keep the money instead of buying the world, but you get wat i'm saying.

August 9th, 2008, 03:21
so, it's just ended up stick shaped sixaxis, really?

Doesnt that thing just do tilt? We're talking about actual 1:1 in 3d space right?

August 9th, 2008, 05:32
hopefully sony and microsoft can actually use this to make something worthwhilel not some stupid wii sports 2

August 9th, 2008, 05:53
hopefully sony and microsoft can actually use this to make something worthwhilel not some stupid wii sports 2

I agree completely. I'm starting to lose faith in Nintendo. Plus if other game companies get there hands on it, they might implement it better. For instance my right hand will track 1:1 but my left hand will just flick around.

August 10th, 2008, 01:48
It doesn't sound like they're mainly expecting more game systems to use it. I imagine they're hoping to make big sales for other products, too. There are a lot of applications for this technology, especially in robotics.