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View Full Version : New Tales RPG For PSP?

November 1st, 2005, 20:20
Hot on the heels of the upcoming Euro release of Tales of Eternia PSP - a port of the original PlayStation RPG - comes murmurs of a new Tales title for the portable. Recently, a list of upcoming PSP titles started circulating across Japanese retail stores and the title Tales of XXX attached to a 2006 date, says gaming blog Cool Gamer.

Since the title is probably not an adult game, the XXX's a likely placeholder until the game's announcement. Will the game be a port of another PS1 Tales title (Tales of Destiny? Tales of Phantasia?) or an entirely new Tales game exclusive to PSP? For now, we'll just have to wait and see.

November 1st, 2005, 21:00
No one else finds it odd that Europe is usually the first place that a Japanese RPG gets released into? Hmmmm....guess the RPG demographic isn't there in the U.S. in enough numbers to convince the marketing and sales suits to bring it over.