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View Full Version : PSP Arc Reactor Mod

August 10th, 2008, 05:04

Just wanted to let the fine users of DCEMU know about a new mod on the Jewel Factory forums!

Our site owner Neubit is making incredible progress on his latest PSP Mod, the Arc Reactor UMD Door.

More a mod within itself then a new type of PSP Jewel this incredible modification to the PSP UMD door draws on some cool and yet bizarre materials including PCB sheet.

Neubit is undecided as of now how much further he wants to take it (possibly adding a LED fader chip) but for now this how it looks! Just plain AWESOME!


Be sure to check out the full story which includes progress pics up to this point in the forum topic


August 10th, 2008, 06:40

Thats awesome

August 10th, 2008, 10:38
looks like the bottom of a UFO.

August 10th, 2008, 13:11
wow never get lost in the dark again with this thing lol
i want one

August 10th, 2008, 14:03
all i can say is i wouldn't advise anyone to bring it on a plane as looks like a handheld nuke remember the somewhat smokeless bong in harold and kumar 2 ALLAH ALLAH

August 10th, 2008, 14:19
That does look awesome!
Only thing is it might suck power and kill the already short battery.

August 10th, 2008, 17:13
Wow, that's sooooo cool.

Ironman Like, Awesome

August 10th, 2008, 18:56
i guess it looks cool for about 3 seconds, then what do you do with it, use it as a beacon?

August 10th, 2008, 19:55
nifty? yes, Attractive? no, that thing is just way to big and bright

anyone who sees you playing psp will be blinded :P

August 11th, 2008, 05:28
Haha it looks like the thing ironman had on is chest... cool

August 11th, 2008, 05:47
i want that
that is the coolest case mod for PSP i've seen yet

August 11th, 2008, 07:55
too bad it isn't a real arc reactor or it would power his psp indefinitely haah
but instead it's the other way around and his psp could probably power it for 3 seconds

August 11th, 2008, 13:16
Please tell me that Neubit built this in a cave.
With a box of scraps.