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View Full Version : advice please

November 3rd, 2005, 10:43
i loved the DC. loads. but then got my xbox. then got my psp. been adding loads of emus and homebrew from day 1 on the PSP. been using the sister site of this. great fun. then i linked through to the DC area. WOW!!!! i still have my DC and play Samba Amigo, HOTD, Shenmue on it... but all this emu and homebrew stuff is way cool.
so my request is this. as a total DC emu/ homebrew newbie what should i download and do to my DC? i dont have any progamming knowledge but can do basic PC actions.
also, i only have a Mac and not a PC.
I would really appreciate any advice or insight anyone can give me. i love my Dc and would love to give it new life. :D