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View Full Version : Would You Watch Cellphone Ads if it Got You Free or Cheap Service?

August 14th, 2008, 00:22
The Direct Marketing Association, a lovely group dedicated to forcing ads down your throat, have done a study that found that while a mere 7% of cellphone users are open to receiving ads on their phone, a much more significant 24% say they've responded to such ads on their phone. A whole quarter of the phone population responding to ads? That has advertisers salivating, so you know that phone ads will be the norm soon enough. So, lets say they came up with a deal that paid for half of your bill if you agreed to watch a few ads a day on your phone. Would you do it?


August 14th, 2008, 19:10
Ive been saying they should do this for yeeears.

It would have to be free to use, otherwise they just ripping us off further, they make to much money from phones already. (A lot!!)

But yeah I would definitely rather watch an ad to use a phone, than work my ass of and hand my cash over to the moneygrubbers.

August 14th, 2008, 20:19
Oh well ,for free service, I would say yes :)

August 14th, 2008, 20:29
That would actually be a very good idea.
Although, I'd really like them to keep a non-ads phone service and not make it some more exclusive, more expensive, premium service.

August 14th, 2008, 21:12
that would be awesome. the only thing though is they would have to find a way to make sure you actually watched them(like press a certain button every thirty seconds or something) instead of playing them and then walking away until they were done.