View Full Version : PengSwim 0.3.0

November 8th, 2005, 05:45
quzar has released a port of PengSwim (http://pengswim.sourceforge.net/), a simple SDL game where you play a penguin who has to eat as many fish as possible within the time limit. Once you've eaten all the fish on the level, you move to a new level with more fish to eat.

Grab the binary here (http://www.screamcast.net/publicdownloads/PengSwim.zip), and the source here (http://www.screamcast.net/publicdownloads/PengSwimsrc.zip).

November 8th, 2005, 06:06
The quest to have news every day of the month continues =).

November 8th, 2005, 14:02
Great Quzar =), Thank You.