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View Full Version : Getting Started

November 8th, 2005, 14:20
First of all you need to get homebrew running on the Dreamcast is:
1: Dreamcast
2: CD writter
3: Blank CDs

thats it, no "modchip" or "swap tricks" need!

Note: Some US DC can not play homebrew (very rare), More info (http://consolevision.com/?Dreamcast:Information:Buying_a_system)
All PAL (Europe) DCs can play homebrew

DCHelp (http://www.dcevolution.net/DCHelp/) A great site, and has a tons of Tutorials for Newbies! A great place to get started

DCEvolution (http://www.dcevolution.net) If you just want to get playing straight away, they have a load of great read-to-burn Images (for you CD Writer). Just download, burn them and play them

Dreamcast Help (http://www.consolevision.com/members/fackue/) Another great site for all sorts of help with the dreamcast.

That should get you started ;)

Mac Kell
December 8th, 2005, 14:38
So any game from DCEvolution will just play straight away on my DC? Madness.

December 8th, 2005, 17:34

February 21st, 2006, 01:39
sweet.i'm buying my second dreamcast right now.my first one broke

February 22nd, 2006, 09:06
wait so there is "NO WORKAROUND" for getting DCs made since OCT 2000 to play cdrs? What about some method where you go through a few extra steps to format the cdr specially, wont that work somehow?

February 22nd, 2006, 14:07
no, that will not work. Sega removed the code from the bios that let the dc run code from a mill-cd. thats it dead end! newer dcs will only run code from GB-discs