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View Full Version : I'd like to create a new emulator

Sirdar Bey
November 10th, 2005, 04:05

I'm a software developer and into games. I have lots of emulators that I really like, but the DC emus aren't all that great in my opinion.

I'd like to put a team together and lead the development of a new dreamcast emulator that will hopefully be more than a proof of concept.

I'm looking for a team of people to work on this with me as I can't do it alone due to time constraints. I'm happy to develop from another source tree if anyone has one, or am more than happy to start from scratch.

I'd like to open source it if people are into it.

This is a serious inquiry. I have many years experience leading a variety of software development teams, and have been thinking about an open source project to undertake, and I think this is what I'd like to do.

I'd be looking for 1 or more of the following people with some time on their hands to do a little work.

* General developer, c++, knows the deal
* Software architect, preferrably someone that has worked on large projects before, so decisions are not soley reliant on me
* Someone really into optimizing. I like doing this but find that I don't have the time like I used to.
* A visual designer for some basic graphics for the app

If there is no source tree to start from:

* Someone really familiar with sound programming, and with the yamaha hardware in the DC
* Ditto for the 3d libraries that the DC has

Information I'd like to gather:

* Information on the GDROM image formats that are out there
* I'd like to standardize on a second format, say Alcohol format (.mds, etc) for the driver for images. Something that can handle everything. so information on that format

Is anyone here willing to get involved with such a project? Please contact me if so and you have some skills and some time.

Contact by email at [email protected] or reply here.

November 10th, 2005, 10:30

I'm a software developer and into games. I have lots of emulators that I really like, but the DC emus aren't all that great in my opinion.

By the rest of the comments I do agree, but don't you think that began a post with that comment could be out of bounds ?. Trying to create a new team saying the actual emulators are not good for your opinion is like to tell all Scene stop making that things because I dont like them, and I can offer you new posibilites. What do you Offer ? Make us know.

If you have lots of emulators, share them with us. What emulators do you have ? , make a comparision with actual developments for Dreamcast.

I don't know if you already know hardware limitations of Dreamcast, for a lot of emulators is a great handicap, and forget using commercial and copyrighted DevKits, if you have not a Sega License to do it.

Are you ready with SH4 ASM coding ?.

Most of Dreamcast coders or porters , we do work for live, and this is a hobby, I don't know NOBODY dedicated full time to do this.

Great Idea, but too big and will need to evaluate creating new Emulators from Scratch. ( At least for Dreamcast and depending what emulator)

I think so, you will have to take another look again on Dreamcast Scene, you are trying to go too far and for my point of view your Idea at this moment is too big. Join with the teams that are actually working and help to finnish started projects, later you will tell us how do you see again your idea.

I edit my post because I haven't seen you were new and that this is your 1st post, and let me tell you, PLEASE READ SOME DREAMCAST DOCUMENTATION. Anyway welcome to this community

November 10th, 2005, 12:40
are u looking to make a DC emulator for the p.c. or are you looking to make a emulator for the dc?

November 10th, 2005, 13:23
Yeah Darksaviour !"!!

For Example Ivan Toledo's DCEMU, will be released during the day in DCiberia, and actually supports, ISO and BIN/CUE cd images, also pc cdrom read.
Runs totally all kos and kos + sdl binaries, has not sound yet, and a KOS & DC console like dc-tool.
Includes a Debugger and is fast enough as complement for coders who have not a dreamcast. Open Source and runs on Linux.

This kind of projects like DCEMU is something REAL, done by people who have NOT TIME and really KNOWS what they are doing.

I'm still awaiting what can you apport to the Dreamcast Scene, please or what's that project. Read threads in the web fristly , before to say that Dreamcast Emulators are not so good for your opinion.

November 10th, 2005, 13:28
are u looking to make a DC emulator for the p.c. or are you looking to make a emulator for the dc?

Yeah... I didn't get it either :confused: