View Full Version : The Newest and Most Serious Rival to the Homebrew Crown

November 10th, 2005, 19:53
The PSP has enjoyed a good few months atop the homebrew scene but from today the homebrew world gets a bit more interesting, a new console called the GP2X will make waves like no other in our scene for the foreseable future, heres more info on the GP2X:

GP2X UK (http://www.gbax.com/main.pl) have posted news that all fans of homebrew and emulation on consoles will be happy to hear, finally the GP2X is released and shipping, the console for those that dont know is a Portable Linux Based console which already has ports of Quake, Quake 2, Duke Nukem 3D, Amiga and Gameboy Emulators being worked on and that is nothing compared to whats not been publically revealed. One very cool addition is the fact that it has a TV out thats compatible via software with any region.

Heres a screen of the Box

More information at both GP2X UK (http://www.gbax.com/main.pl) & GP2X News (http://gp2x-emulation.dcemu.co.uk/)

November 10th, 2005, 19:58
Lack of wireless ANYTHING will kill it. Too little, too late.

November 10th, 2005, 20:21
is this a US gizmondo?

November 10th, 2005, 20:28
Nope, but it will die just as badly.

November 10th, 2005, 20:43
Well for those of us that actually like emulation and homebrew as much as new games I think this is awesome!

I am honestly considering buying one of these just for my homebrew stuff and giving up the fight against Sony to keep homebrew on PSP.

It's looking more and more like eventually we will either have to stop playing newer games, loose homebrew alltogether OR buy a second PSP, and I'm thinking I might go for the GP2X instead. It's going to be very popular amongst homebrew devs, especially since all there work can be OFFICIALLY enjoyed on it and the company that makes it will NEVER try and stop the homebrew.

And to tell you the truth, I love PSP games but I end up playing more emu's and homebrew than true PSP games anyway!

I say rock on GP2X!!

November 10th, 2005, 20:53
You're so right parabolee, and I've thought about getting an GPX2 too. This will be the ultimate emulator handheld.

November 10th, 2005, 20:56
ok,before any more bashing,the true and only force of the gp32 and this new console are homebrew games and apps.it's obviosly not meant to go against anyone commerially,just a small korean company releasing a new version of a favorite with the homebrew community,so you can stop the death reports right there.Why does it always have to be about competition and who's winning?

November 10th, 2005, 21:03
I just might buy one for emulation that way I don't have to worry about weather or not to update my psp and waiting for new loaders everytime sony makes you update to play a new game.

November 10th, 2005, 21:23
It's still going to die, but I'm still going to get one...LOL.
Once they start hitting the bargain-basement prices of around $100 a pop.
You're right about the homebrew aspect of it though. I thinks it's a good thing someone finally came out with a handheld GAMING-LAYOUT console dedicated to open source. But I hope the company behind the GP2X knows they are selling a "niche" product and don't have any hopes or dreams of beating any of the big three with it.
I'll be watching further development of games for this thing though....and once it can run the following list of emulators 100%, then I might hunt for a used one or one on sale:
SNES emulator
Genesis/Megadrive emulator (SegaCD support would be BONUS!)
SMS/GG emulator
PC Engine/TG-16
Gameboy/Gameboy Color (think one is already out...)
Gameboy Advance
SCUMMVM (this one should be easy as pie since it's been ported to everything ELSE on the planet)
Quake 1/2/3
Doom (yes, I still play it...with custom WADs)

Then I would consider picking one up at a lower price for my "old-school" gaming habit.
But the lack of wireless in today's world just hampers it from the get-go....imagine a small browser or email checker on this thing? Online mutliplayer Quake/Doom?
Meh, but who knows...maybe they'll come out with a new version next year called the GP3X or something with built-in 802.11b. I mean, they're building 802.11b into coffee makers and refrigerators now, why not this thing?
And no, a wi-fi SDIO stick isn't cutting it since it's limited to a small amount of on-board storage.
But if anyone picks one up, please write us all a good review of it, showing good and bad.

November 10th, 2005, 21:26
It seems like the PSP homebrew scene is dying. I see fewer and fewer releases all the time, and with the sorry list of good games on the PSP, I hardly use my PSP anymore.

November 10th, 2005, 22:32
Dying?! What drugs are you on?!

November 10th, 2005, 23:18
It seems like the PSP homebrew scene is dying. I see fewer and fewer releases all the time, and with the sorry list of good games on the PSP, I hardly use my PSP anymore.

i havent used my psp in like 4 months...:( homebrew for psp is dying :( im so sad... i probably will sell my psp and get mario kart ds

November 10th, 2005, 23:40
er.... i might get one just cos i love havin all the old consoles on the go BUT lockethevaliant, NO just stump up the 25 quid u will easily get mario kart for geezer as the Retail games on the psp will always be better, (but if u do sell ur psp let me know first as my son wants one for christmas lol)

November 11th, 2005, 01:17
Yeah I think in a few months maybe in like febuary when the GP2X has a good library of emu's (and they are a little cheaper and easier to get) then I'm going to get one.

I think it looks super sweet!

I wish someone would get Quake 1 & 2 running (well & WITH sound!) on the PSP!

November 11th, 2005, 08:32
Just my opinion but I think in the long run PSP homebrew will slowly die.

Sony is trying to snuff it and 1.5's are just gonna get harder and harder to find as time goes by.

November 11th, 2005, 12:44
I'm pretty sure Sony is less then concerned about loosing their position in the homebrew community, being as how they have fought to stop independent developers every step of the way. As far as Sony is concerned, the PSP's kingship in Homebrew is a crown of thrones they can't wait to get rid of. Too bad too, because without Homebrew, my PSP would have started to collect dust a LONG time ago!

I dunno much about this GP2X, but I recall seeing some gameplay screenshots and footage, and it's not anywhere near as powerful as the PSP. Also, I heard their control stick was very poor, it's not even analog. I could be wrong. If I am, maybe there might be a GP2X in my future.

November 11th, 2005, 12:58
Too bad too, because without Homebrew, my PSP would have started to collect dust a LONG time ago!

yeah man, the quality of psp games is really poor IMHO. i have to say that with the exception of Lumines and Wipeout i have yet to play another PSP game that makes me think otherwise. Xmen 2 is pretty cool but overall they are just either lame ports or lame games. have a look at gamespot, IGN etc and see how many high scoring reviews there are - exactly! meanwhile i have played the DGEN, Gameboy, C64 and other emu's LOADS.
i really think that Sony need to do something FAST to sort out the qualir=ty of games - and if they are going to keep doing ports then PLEASE DO A FINAL FANTASY TACTICS AND FF7 PORT!!!!! :D

November 11th, 2005, 13:25
ff7 on the go would be heaven

November 11th, 2005, 22:10
er.... i might get one just cos i love havin all the old consoles on the go BUT lockethevaliant, NO just stump up the 25 quid u will easily get mario kart for geezer as the Retail games on the psp will always be better, (but if u do sell ur psp let me know first as my son wants one for christmas lol)

ill sell it only for 250$ rarely used!.....never has played a UMD and is 1.5 only used for homebrew and have an extra battery

November 11th, 2005, 22:28
250?! You can get a new one for that price. You give some games with it?! I have a original 1.5, but I don't think I would probably sell it for that price...

November 11th, 2005, 22:43
who are you?

i rarely used the damn thing...complete waste of money

no scratches on the screen and i have an extra battery, i have the box and everything that came in it. the 250 would maby include the shipping cost

if you dont want it fine

November 12th, 2005, 00:48
i must admit although it is mint condition and such its a bit heavy as i could get a new one a bit cheaper in croydon (LOL Londoners might get it), but it might be worth you putting it on ebay as people are payin top dollar at the mo cos of christmas comin up.

November 12th, 2005, 00:59
i must admit although it is mint condition and such its a bit heavy as i could get a new one a bit cheaper in croydon (LOL Londoners might get it)
for all non-Londoners, Vince means he would purchase one, in cash, without receipt, from someone who may not have purchased the PSP in the first place. :D delicately put eh!

November 12th, 2005, 01:04
oh you gotta love it, = its better than goin say covent garden and payin an extra 50-80£ for 1 with a receipt LOL

November 12th, 2005, 02:59
lol your right i didnt buy it...my girlfriend did and i hate it...this is what i use it for.....viewing FAQs for gba games or DS games and barely Emu since they dicks with TYL snes are dead jesus

November 12th, 2005, 04:26
WHY The retail games on psp are far superior i cant see wat ds has over it except some exclusive games thats y i have to have all consoles but i do believe psp is the best handheld hands down (lol), how can you hate such a beatiful thing, tell me wat games do you have cos u must of missed something locke?

November 12th, 2005, 17:10
lol all psp have is ps2 games but crappier.. im sick of GTA...i dislike SOCOM i dont see whatpsp offers other then crappy features..it has more movies than games lol the games are soo expensive jesus

talk about overrated

November 12th, 2005, 20:07
I didn't do much this week with my psp. Also didn't much with my Xbox. I'm gonna buy a Xbox 360....it rocks! But I have a 1.5 too, what should they pay for it...? It got 5 dead pixels though. But the important thing....it's Jap 1.5 original :D

November 12th, 2005, 21:30
hmmm...I love my PSP I play it all the time even though all the offical games are total over priced crap. As long as my SNES emu and genesis emu keep working amazingly, I don't think i'll ever run out of amazing games to play

November 12th, 2005, 22:14
maybe i wouldnt bitch so much if the TYL snes emu was faster

November 13th, 2005, 00:15
has anyone played the games and while i admit a lot of them are not original some are gems ON THE GO cos lets face it while a ps2 might still be a little better, it would kinda suck havcing to strap it to your back to play games on the go lol

November 13th, 2005, 16:00
maybe i wouldnt bitch so much if the TYL snes emu was faster
have u played the snes emu? it is plenty fast on 333. plays faster than original too if you put up the frameskip.

November 13th, 2005, 21:10
I managed to get an atari lynx for a fiver today WITH ninja gaiden so thats it my psp has Bitten the dust (lol), and on topic the snes emu is pretty much perfect with only 3 games that dont work to good at the mo (that aint bad considering theres like 700 and something out for it) but hopefully there will be an update soon so i can play starfox and mario kart once more yay! (aint too bothered bout f-zero)

Diaz Ramiraz
November 14th, 2005, 21:46
:D :D :D iT wil die As sOon As iT UnveilS But mY Azzz Will ProbalY Buy 1 JusT otto HAv It :D