View Full Version : Final Fantasy Agito XIII Update

August 18th, 2008, 15:50
Word of a PSP version of Final Fantasy Agito XIII was one of the biggest pieces of news to come out of the DKS3713 event earlier this month. But unfortunately, the news of the platform shift came without any solid details on the game.

Enter that always-reliable source of Japanese news, Famitsu. A special PS3 version of the weekly gaming magazine has a full report on the show, with some new details that suggest Agito will result in yet another very special Square Enix PSP title.

Speaking with Square Enix's Tetsuyo Nomura and Agito director Hajime Tabata, Famitsu's editors learned that a PSP version of the game was always in the planning, right from the start. The announcement at the event was really just an announcement that the PSP version has taken priority over the mobile version.

The two addressed a few story elements of the game. The DKS3713 Agito trailer (which is currently not available for public viewing) made mention of "Lucy," a word that has been mentioned in connection with other areas of the FFXIII project. As explained by Nomura, this is one of the common points players will find connecting the worlds of the various FFXIII games.

Another term mentioned in the new trailer is PAX CODEX. This is the name of a peace treaty that exists in the Agito world. As Tabata explained, Cid, from a neighboring country, has broken the treaty and sent a Lucy (or possibly multiple Lucies) out in an invasion.

Tabata revealed that the Agito battle system will offer a mix of action and turn-based gameplay, similar to Crisis Core. He suggested that players picture a more developed version of the "super-high-speed ATB" (Active Time Battle) system from Crisis Core.

Different from Crisis Core, whose battles were solo-based, Agito has party-based battles. This, Nomura said to the magazine, gives the battles a different impression.

The party-based battles currently support infrastructure mode, Tabata revealed. Three players can currently form a party over the net. Tabata said that he cannot confirm yet if the final game will have infrastructure mode support, but this is something that Square Enix would like to offer players.

One other area of the battle system mentioned by Tabata involves summons. Plans call for giving players the ability to raise summon beasts and control them in battle.

All this sounds like the makings for a fine addition to the FFXIII saga. Best of all, players throughout the world will get a chance to play now that the title is coming to the PSP.


August 18th, 2008, 16:40
AWESOMENESS!!! THis is shaping up to be the best PSP game ever!!

August 18th, 2008, 17:01
I agree. This is going to be one of the best RPGs for PSP. I will get it of course :)

August 18th, 2008, 19:38
I can't wait to get this!!!!!

This and The new kingdom hearts coming out for PSP will definitely NOT allow me to sleep at night because I will be playing them the entire time.

I really cant wait!

I read that It has party battles instead of a single person like crisis core.
That's awesome because I really like the party system in most final fantasy games.
I just hope that it's time or turn based and not everyone fighting at once like crisis core, just with multiple people.

Anyway, I need this game.

August 18th, 2008, 22:43
I love Square-Enix! They have been very generous with the PSP and the PSP is really a must have handheld due to some of the great games by Square-Enix.

August 18th, 2008, 23:09
id really like for SE to release a FF11 or FF12 kinda game. It would be soo soo awesome.

Ultima Chocochu
August 19th, 2008, 00:30
I've been anticipating since I heard it was also being released for PSP, can't wait.