View Full Version : Wagic, The Homebrew ?! ALPHA 0.0.2

August 18th, 2008, 15:54
wololo has posted a new card game for the PSP, heres the release details:

Wagic is a game that allows you to play "Magic the Gathering" against an AI opponent.
This is a very early release, but you never know what's gonna happen tomorrow, so better now than never.

Game modes:
1 Player vs AI
2 Players hotseat
Demo mode (AI vs AI)

The game mainly focuses on 1Player vs AI. You start with a randomly generated collection of cards, that enables you to create your first deck in the Deck editor. As you win games against the computer and earn creadits, you can buy more cards in the Shop, and improve your decks.

Download over at his site here --> http://wololo.net/wagic/download/ (11MB)

August 18th, 2008, 16:37
Awesome!! I've been waiting for one like this... Magic Portable Station didn't have AI oponent =(

August 18th, 2008, 19:10
for an early version this is impressive and
very promising.

Luckily, I fooled the AI by enchanting my Soul Net with
a Living Artifact,gaining 83 lives, and finished it off
with a Regenerating War Mammoth.
This gave:


With Jandor's Ring purchased from the proceeds,I should now be
wagically UNBEATABLE!.

thx wololo , hope you can keep WTH alive.

August 18th, 2008, 19:35
So this is Magic, THe gathering, for PSP?

I used to like this game alot.

I haven't played it in a while but this game looks extremely promising.

Here's a screenshot. (I didn't take it, It's off the site)

August 18th, 2008, 20:29
I hope you continue this homebrew... You have my support!

August 18th, 2008, 21:05
Thank you man!
earn credits to improve your deck by card shop is a great idea..
hope for future update!

August 18th, 2008, 21:18
i LOVE magic back in the day! It would be awesome if you continue this gem!

August 18th, 2008, 23:21
Jandor's Ring was a mistake.
It has none of the tactical immediacy needed for my #1 deck(green+red), & I can't trade it in at the shop.

A booster would be more useful at this stage.

Luckily the AI gifted me another 500 credits by destroying half its lands and none of mine with a poorly
judged Tsunami..

August 20th, 2008, 00:58
Thanks all for the positive replies.
I have lots of expectations/ideas for the future updates of this game, hopefully I'll have enough time to improve it :thumbup:

The sources are available on my website as well, for those who want