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View Full Version : IM really sorry but i still need help on emu

November 12th, 2005, 07:19
ok i have been told to use demomenu to make my gameboy emulator from gnuboy but i dont know how. i found demomenu but it is a cd image and i was told to install it... ? is that right ? pls help i am so clueless and im sorry for not reading the rules thoroughly on my last thread. im really trying hard and wasting alot of my cds. haha . i have an idea can someone just send me the file already made if you could i dunno if it would be too big or what ... my email is [email protected] thanks for the help so far sorry im so dull ... lol

November 12th, 2005, 14:53
Ok johnny , i will try to help you.

In my last post , the link to demomenu was poor, it was a cdi image(?)

What you need is the zip file or a rar file, try this one : http://killbill2.ifrance.com/killbill2/dreamcast.fr.vu/progs/demomenu.rar

Then make what i said in last post, this is easier than tou think!

Bye and don't talk about warez next time, just emu here!


November 12th, 2005, 20:11
If you want to try out DCGNUboy with a load of extras thrown in on a premade CD image, go here:


The download is on the menu to the right, beneath that is a link to create a romdisc, you can put in your own roms with that and disc swap from the emulator menu.

November 13th, 2005, 05:08
thanks for the response.... i tried the site you said earny and i couldnt find it . it looked like that site was no longer in use and dcdaydreamer you helped alot and i am awe-inspired by what you and your teammates have made thats so cool!!! :p i hope this will help and i will probly use your site for more of my emu needs thanks alot...

thanks earny and dcdd you guys rock and i hope that i will be able to help others in the way you have helped me... (sad little half jap gamer tears)