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View Full Version : GC 2008: Rock Revolution late to the stage?

August 20th, 2008, 18:17
via NintendoWiiFanboy (http://www.nintendowiifanboy.com/2008/08/20/gc-2008-rock-revolution-late-to-the-stage/)


We may have to deal with the rock status quo for a while until the Revolution arrives. According to IGN, Niais Taylor, associate producer of Konami's Rock Revolution, provided an "early 2009" release window for the music game during a demo of the drum kit (which the Wii version does not use). However, there is a bit of potential confusion.

If this unspecified release period is worldwide, or for the US, then the game has been delayed from its previous "2008" release. However, if this is the European release date -- which seems likely, since this information was presented at the Leipzig Games Convention -- then the European release, at least, is on track and we don't have any more information about the US release. But the possibility of a delay, we felt, was worth passing on.

August 20th, 2008, 18:33
Trying oh so hard to figure out how the hell it plays.