View Full Version : Xplora v1.6

August 20th, 2008, 22:56
Neoh (http://www.neoflash.com/forum/index.php/topic,5312.0.html) has posted an entry into the Neoflash Coding Contest:

Xplora project has been conceived for becoming
a shell, but now has limited functions but
it has a good graphic interface.
With this homebrew you can simply explore
the Memory Stick and with possibility to copy,
delete or create files and folders.
Besides it supports a lot of file types,
for example you can launch ISO's\CSO's
or homebrews or prx module!
Besides it has a lot of utility, a text editor,
a internet browser, a utility to dump the umd
to a ISO directly on MS and one for sort the homebrew
and game icons of the XMB

- Support Italian, English, Spanish and Portoguese languages
- Create New directories and files
- Delete, Copy, Move or Rename files and directory
- Show file and directories properties
- Open images files ( BMP, PNM, PPM, PGM ,PBM, XPM, LBM, PCX, JPEG, PNG, TGA, and TIFF )
- Open MP3 files and display the id3 info and can be reducen in background
- Open HTML, PHP, Flash files and GIF files with the SCE Browser
- Can play PMF files
- Can start ISO's\CSO's and homebrew's PBP
- Autodetect and start PSX games
( Now have problems with PSX game lauch, it will be fixed soon )
- On kernel 4.xx when exit from a launched application
it return to Xplora
- Can open text files with the text editor
- Can open a file with a different programm using Open with.. function
- Can lauch UMD
- Can Dump UMD directly to MS in a ISO files
- Can lauch the SCE Internet Browser and when exit it return automatically to Xplora
- Can sort the XMB Game's icons with the Homebrew Sorter
- Can browser copy and edit files on MS, flash0 and flash1 ( UMD is read-only mode )
- You can connect to pc the PSP on all the disponible devices ( MS, flash0, flash1, flash2, flash3 and UMD ) ( can have problems if music.prx or other plugins are loaded, if USB connetcion don't work try to remove the plugins...
- Can view some system info of the PSP
- Can extract zip files directly to folder
- Other features that I've probably forget...

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