View Full Version : Sony to Offer Full PSP Games for Download

August 22nd, 2008, 16:21
Playing copycat to its fat console counterpart, PSP will soon see a few of its major releases available as a download in addition to a UMD. Sony announced today that two of its upcoming Japanese games will be available both through standard retail channels and via digital download.

Yuusha no Kuse ni Namaikida or2 and Bleach Soul Carnival will be following the route taken by PS3 titles like Gran Turismo Prologue. Sony will offer a download version of the games date in with the retail versions, and will even give players who go the download route a discount. Yuusha no Kuse will cost 2,800 yen in download form compared to 3,980 yen in UMD form. Bleach Soul Carnival will cost 3,800 yen for download and 4,743 yen in retail release.

While these titles are likely to remain in Japanese territorial waters, they're pretty high profile as far as Sony Japan's first party games go. Bleach Soul Carnival is the latest adaptation of the popular anime series. Yuusha no Kuse ni Namaikida or2 is a sequel to a critically acclaimed puzzle game that reverses the standard RPG setting, putting players in control of the beasts who must expel the encroaching heroes from dungeons.

Yuusha arrives first on October 16, with Bleach coming a week later on October 23.

Sony has yet to share details on Memory Stick storage requirements or how it will be handling instruction manuals.


August 22nd, 2008, 17:05
Since that will require good memory card drivers, maybe we can not worry about botched drivers in the future then. My GoW backup on 3.90 performed like crap.

August 22nd, 2008, 17:55
I just wonder if the size wil lbe smaller, I hope.

August 22nd, 2008, 17:56
Since that will require good memory card drivers, maybe we can not worry about botched drivers in the future then. My GoW backup on 3.90 performed like crap.

Thats probably because it was a cso, not iso.. Anywho, we all know this is the future of.. almost everything! We'll never need to leave our homes to buy games or movies again!

Sedimentary life stye ftw.

August 22nd, 2008, 20:00
They already have download games for psp but only through the ps3 actually Jeanne D'Arc was released this week for psp on the psn store

August 22nd, 2008, 21:22
I prefer to buy online as i do with Steam games (HL2, CS etc...), since it can help to reduce prices due UMD, shipping, taxes and another reasons. Downloadable games can be bought in any place... sadly,most of PSP games that i have is illegal ISOS just because they are overpriced here in Brazil and most titles that i like are impossible to find.

August 22nd, 2008, 21:28
I wouldn't buy downloable games because I prefer the disc+box+manual.

August 24th, 2008, 17:11
I wouldn't buy downloable games because I prefer the disc+box+manual.
yeah and downloading gives you this pirat feeling...:rolleyes: