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View Full Version : Man Controls Roomba With Wii Balance Board, Atari-Era Surfin' USA Soundtrack

August 25th, 2008, 00:09

Ron Tajima has some time on his hands. And a Roomba. And a Wii Balance Board. See where we're going with this? Anyway, he put them all together, combined it with a Surfin' USA track that sounds like it was ripped from the 1980's, and now he can control the previously autonomous Roomba with his feet. "This is my third Roomba hacking," Tajima says. "This surfin is safe, useful (it's cleaning), and easy for nerds. Wii balance board is great!" Indeed it is, Tajima-san, indeed it is. Maybe there's a reason for me to take the Balance Board out from underneath my TV and use it again.
