View Full Version : Tell Us Dammit: Have You Ever Lied About Playing a Game?

August 25th, 2008, 00:12
Whoops! Hey, we missed TUD on Friday because of all the hoorah with GC 2008, so looks like I am the temporary caretaker of the giraffe this weekend. I got a question you can answer one of two ways. Or two questions and you can answer one. Or both. Who cares, here it goes.

So I'm hideous about staying current with popular culture. Lots of times people will ask me if I've seen a movie, or if I watch the latest HBO Original drama that everyone's raving about. (I never saw Borat. I don't watch Entourage.) And I'd rather avoid the horrified expressions and fulminating evangelism, so I make a non-committal statement in the affirmative and then dodge my way out of the conversation.

But last week, I had to admit I've never played Halo 3. (Well, never played it in multiplayer. I played it a little in singleplayer mode.) I felt like I had no good reason for that, especially as a games blogger, but that was a choice made before I came to Kotaku. So that leads us to today's TUD:

Have you ever bought and not played a video game because of peer pressure?
Have you ever told someone you played a game even when you hadn't, for any reason?

I'm especially curious about the second one. And for the record, I do have Halo 3. I bought it late last year when I was too busy for gaming. I'm working on that one.


August 25th, 2008, 01:06
Not that I remember.
Sometimes I barely play a game, or I play a demo of a game and get the feel of it.
I dont think I've ever lied about playing a video game to make myself look 1337.

August 25th, 2008, 01:42
I bought several games which I still didn't play.

August 25th, 2008, 01:59
i work at best buy(US), and i kinda hate to say this, but sometimes i'll recommend a game that i've looked at, and read reviews for, and know that at a minimum is at least a decent game[with the exception of haze, unfortiontaly i didn't read the review on that one until after i recommended it to a bunch of people]

August 25th, 2008, 02:46
Not personally. but a friend claims to have seen his brother fight sheng long, on snes version of street fighter2. Still claims it to this day. I don't, can't, and won't believe it.

August 25th, 2008, 03:12
i don't think i have ever lied about playing a game and it would be stupid to buy a game because of peer pressure.

August 25th, 2008, 04:40
I don't think I've ever lied about something like that, but I bought a game I haven't played yet, like 2 months ago LOL

August 25th, 2008, 05:22
Not that I remember.
Sometimes I barely play a game, or I play a demo of a game and get the feel of it.
I dont think I've ever lied about playing a video game to make myself look 1337.That pretty much summarizes it for me. I don't remember and don't know any reason for me to lie about such a thing. I'd say the worst I've done was play the demo of BF2142 for a couple laggy minutes and I sort of use that to say I've played it, although I'm truthful in that I'd say I've barely played it if I'm asked "how much?" or whatever. I dislike BF2142 for the direction it takes the series (I like the real-world accuracy of the vehicles and weapons in BF1942, BFV, and BF2) and not because I don't find it to be fun, so I win anyway.

When I'm not certain if I've played or watched something, as in I don't remember but it's possible I've forgotten, I usually say something like "I don't think so" when asked, which probably happens all too often. Maybe about 5% of the time when someone starts describing it I'll recall it.

I don't have much peer pressure in regard to games aside from my online friends, but my friends are good about not making fun of me or making me look bad if I have or haven't played a game (otherwise they wouldn't be my friends), so I see no point in lying about it.

August 25th, 2008, 05:29
Now we need to make an after school special about a troubled teenager who resorts to buying Halo 3 because his friends wouldnt think he's cool if he didnt.

It'll feature Bugs Bunny and the gang trying to teach him what the REAL monster is. Hell, there might even be a musical!

August 25th, 2008, 10:18
You forgot to copy and paste the picture of the Giraffe, too.

August 25th, 2008, 11:10
hell yea, i've never played any game ever at all..

nah just kdn.. why lie about a game?

August 25th, 2008, 13:14
I generally don't buy games *cough*

But I will sometimes say I've beaten a game that i haven't, just so people won't be like 'You Have to beat it!"

If I didn't feel like beating it the first time, then I don't feel like it now.

August 25th, 2008, 14:56
Lie about playing a game? Why? Who the hell ares if I've played a game or not. I tend to lie about important things, because if you're gonna get in trouble, you may as well go big.

Mister Klownes
August 25th, 2008, 16:00
I've never claimed to have played a game I haven't, but I have bought games I wouldn't have if they weren't respected classics.

To date, I've yet to beat a Devil May Cry or Metal Gear Solid game, despite owning the entire DMC series, and most of MGS.

August 25th, 2008, 16:47
why do I have to lie, any game that I like or love I buy it, I may lie my progress cause my friend may be in farther progress than me but lie of a game that I font have lol, ill also you

August 25th, 2008, 18:34
Once I said I played Tetris DS before it came out, but that was just a joke.

I don't lie about my progress in games, either, which can be a little annoying. I mean, I got Twilight Princess December 13th of 2006, and I didn't beat it until June 2008. I had many reasons why I couldn't, so when it was pretty annoying when someone would say, "What!?! Try beating it today!" or "YOU HAVE TO BEAT IT! I beat it in one week! You must really suck!". No, I just didn't have the chance. Bah.

Also, I've never bought a game out of peer pressure. Otherwise, I'd have a new computer, World of Warcraft, and XBox 360, Call of Duty 4, Guitar Hero 3(for Xbox), RockBand, Halo 3.... But then again, I only have enough money for one game, so I guess I wouldn't have those, anyway.

I do try games, though, but I wouldn't call it peer pressure. I mean, my friend said Final Fantasy Tactics was great, so I try it out. I may have even bought a game recommended(Can't think of any right now), but never out of peer pressure.

August 25th, 2008, 19:29
Not personally. but a friend claims to have seen his brother fight sheng long, on snes version of street fighter2. Still claims it to this day. I don't, can't, and won't believe it.

Lmao :rofl:

I never lied about playing a game. That's just stupid. I never bought a game because of peer pressure either.

August 26th, 2008, 05:09
I have a lot of games I haven't gotten around to playing, the only one I've bought out of peer pressure was Kingdom Hearts which, after about an hour, I decided completely sucked and haven't touched again. Big waste of $15.

August 26th, 2008, 07:55
I got alot of older games on original disk that i havent played, lunar lander, Fury 3D, and a few others, but i didnt play them from peer pressure, they are games i wanted, but didnt paticularly want to play. (You try finding Microsofts Fury 3D on original disk, go ahead.. try.)

And there have been times a bunch of people told me to play a game which i didnt want to play, so i read some 5 minute reviews and short-story spoilers of the game, just to shut them up.
Still never did play PC's Stalker.

August 26th, 2008, 14:58
I've actually pressured some of my friends into buying Guitar Hero II and Oblivion. I will buy games if I've read reviews that are good, but they are mostly older games for the NES or SNES that are dirt cheap. Some of thesee games have only ever been tried out or just not played for years and then picked up. Other than that I don't think I'm a victim of peer pressure. I am still being given free trials for WoW, but I just let them collect dust.

August 26th, 2008, 17:36
I got Twilight Princess December 13th of 2006, and I didn't beat it until June 2008. I had many reasons why I couldn't, so when it was pretty annoying when someone would say, "What!?! Try beating it today!" or "YOU HAVE TO BEAT IT! I beat it in one week! You must really suck!". No, I just didn't have the chance. Bah.That's sort of the same for me, I got Twilight Princess for Christmas 2006 and I still don't have it beat. I have over 80 hours on it and maybe 2 bosses to beat, but I haven't touched it for maybe a year now because I'm such a PC fanatic and the Wii is nowhere near my PC. I'm the kind of gamer that takes his time looking in every nook and cranny for secrets, especially in action/adventure games which are expected to have hidden secrets. And yes I've had people get after me for taking over a month to beat it.