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View Full Version : Movie for PSP please!!!

November 19th, 2005, 05:28

I've had a PSP for my own but the fact is i'm using a MAC so there is loads of things i'm not able to do with my PSP:confused: .So if someone know where to download movie for PSP directly from internet,please let me know ok.
Thanks for helps.

November 19th, 2005, 14:09
Well you should be able to get the files from here: http://psp.connect.com/

As far as downloading full comercial movies it's illeagal, not to mention the fact that converted movie files run from about 400-900MB so that's quite a big chunk of data to d/l from a plain old website.

I'm not sure what you can/can't do with MAC and your PSP but (I'm assuming) the only thing you have to do is be able to transfer the files via Memory Stick/Card Reader or with a USB Connection directly to the PSP.

Not sure what programs there are for video conversion, but I'm sure there must be something you can use. After all MP4 is Quicktime.