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View Full Version : US Court Gives 15 Months' Jail, $415,900 Fine For Game Piracy

August 25th, 2008, 20:00
A Florida man has been sentenced to 15 months in prison and ordered to pay US$415,900 in restitution for selling video game systems that were preloaded with more than 75 pirated copies of games."
If that fine sounds a bit steep, note that his profits on the devices "exceeded $390,000


August 26th, 2008, 00:34

Really? That harsh of a penalty for selling this? These are junk. I see them sold in malls around holidays. Malls in the U.S. I bought one really cheap and ended up throwing it away.

Its just a bunch of the same games renamed over and over. There was Duck Hunt, Mario Bros., and games like that. Nothing more technical than NES games.

I wish I knew the entire story regarding this.

August 26th, 2008, 00:53

Really? That harsh of a penalty for selling this? These are junk. I see them sold in malls around holidays. Malls in the U.S. I bought one really cheap and ended up throwing it away.

Its just a bunch of the same games renamed over and over. There was Duck Hunt, Mario Bros., and games like that. Nothing more technical than NES games.

I wish I knew the entire story regarding this.

Yea, I've seen those pieces of crap in my mall too. So what if he sold a few NES games. If Nintendo didn't want that to happen, they probably should've made more NES games available on the Virtual Console, and made the price for a NES game reasonable.