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View Full Version : PockeTwit - Twitter client with GPS support (Updated 8-24)

August 26th, 2008, 11:17
New for PocketPC:

I admit it, I'm a bit of a twitter addict. And like my MPD client, I just couldn't find a twitter client that I liked. So I had some spare time today and whipped up my own. So far it does the basics -- shows the timelines, lets you set your status, and let's you reply to tweets. Of course there's a lot more to be done like showing user info (besides their icon), direct messages, and dealing with URLs in tweets.

It uses the same kinetic list code that I used in the MPD client, so it's kind of fun to scroll up and down and view the menus on the sides.

If you're a twitter user, you can try get my client from the google code site. Let me know if you have anything to say about it.

Updated v.29
GPS support-- It can automatically update your profile with GPS coordianates and search other updates based on your location. See what others are talking about in your area.
