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View Full Version : Firmware 2.0 Eboot Loader v0.8.5 for PSP

November 22nd, 2005, 00:46
Fanjita (http://www.fanjita.org/) has once again updated his excellent Eboot Loader for V2.0 Firmware PSP Consoles, heres the info from Fanjita:

<blockquote>With this release, and probably for the next few, the focus is on adding extra supported applications and new techniques to the loader. As a result, a few apps that used to work will probably be broken. I've taken the decision to just live with that, and fix everything up in a couple of releases' time, because attempting to fix up newly-broken EBOOTs is too time
consuming. Every release from 0.8 onwards on is capable of working unaffected alongside previous releases, so this shouldn't be a big deal.

Important changes in this release:
- Introduced a configuration file, to allow tweaking of EBOOTs by end-users. See loader085.cfg for details.
- Improved kernel-mode override patching logic - makes a lot more apps run.
- Attempt to kill surplus system threads, for stability.
- Run loader from reserved memory for increased stability.
- Tidied up some memory reuse in ELF section header handling
- Bundled graphical menu now filters to only display the names of EBOOTs for selection - all the surplus fluff is hidden. Also now handles v1.5 kxploit-style homebrew directory structure.
- Added option to allow L+R+START reset to go back to loader menu, rather than main menu.

New supported EBOOTs:
- SNES9xTYL 0.2c
- TCGS Car
- ASTC (Another Silly Tetris Clone)
- Moppi's Flower Demo
- Tail Tale
- Scrabble Assistant - loads but hangs?
- PSP Revolution
- Heretic PSP
- SMS plus 1.2
- Crystallise 1.0
- Binary Clock
- A-Blit demo</blockquote>

Download this excellent update via the comments :)

November 22nd, 2005, 01:15
fanjita,fanjita,fanjita dude you are awsome.

November 22nd, 2005, 01:47
No way! It supports PSPrevolution!! YES!!! :D :D

November 22nd, 2005, 01:50
when i start it...the loader does not give me my eboot file names...i have one name that comes up as unreadable text. what am I doing wrong? why doesnt it see my eboot folders? It shows as a bunch of dots I followed the instructions perfectly.

November 22nd, 2005, 02:00
The latest SNESxTYL works now? Looks like I have one less reason to ever downgrade.

November 22nd, 2005, 02:05
;) it also supports nesterj

November 22nd, 2005, 02:16
when i start it...the loader does not give me my eboot file names...i have one name that comes up as unreadable text. what am I doing wrong? why doesnt it see my eboot folders? It shows as a bunch of dots I followed the instructions perfectly.

That's probably because you have two folders set up for a 1.5 psp. I tried that and got the same error. Try downloading the 1.0 eboot.pbp file and loading that.

November 22nd, 2005, 02:16
Man you are da bomb! Keep it up!!!

November 22nd, 2005, 02:16
actually everything is 1.5
I don't have a 1.0 anything on my psp..is that the problem?

November 22nd, 2005, 02:19
Yea it does say to use the 1.0 versions if you can (they are said to work better) and if you cant the extra folder with the small eboot (in 1.5) is not needed for it to work.

November 22nd, 2005, 02:56
GBA working??

November 22nd, 2005, 03:10
Ok i finally got it to work. I did what Festizzio and Hex said and removed my % folders and it worked.

thanks guys

November 22nd, 2005, 04:15
Neocd 0.5 also working

Cap'n 1time
November 22nd, 2005, 05:14
works quite well.

November 22nd, 2005, 05:55
glad i could help dman32

November 22nd, 2005, 06:49

I thank you for your tireless efforts to keep Homebrew alive. You have also been very pleasant and professional in your help and replies on all the forums. For that I thank you also. Now take a rest for a wee bit, you deserve it... :)


November 22nd, 2005, 07:08
This guy kicks ass man. Mad props to Fanjita, you da man! Ok, on to the loader, I remember reading somewhere that user mode is slower than kernal mode so...my next question, how does snes tyl run on 2.0 when compared to 1.5?

slik da relic
November 22nd, 2005, 07:39
u guys r makin it very,VERY tempting to upgrade. i gonna enjoy when i do. i thk u for all ur efforts.

da relic

November 22nd, 2005, 15:41
psp gba is still not working.

November 22nd, 2005, 16:31
welp, now that PSP Genesis, SNES TLY .2, NOIZ2SA, Bookreader, and LUA player all work.... im upgrading. anyone know where i can DL the 2.0 update? ^^

November 22nd, 2005, 16:44
okay, I'm trying to boot NesterJ, where do I put the eboot and all that? I got the exploit working though! Just no games yet...

November 22nd, 2005, 16:45
find it at http://www.psphacks.net/
Out it in the folder UPDATE - it has to be in capitals

And this loader is great- gets updated loads. I was only just thinking about snes :)

November 22nd, 2005, 16:58
where the hell can i find the 2.0 update EBOOT?? O_O I've googled over and over all i can find is the downgrader and Fanjita's uber loader... could someone provide me with a link? lol

November 22nd, 2005, 17:10
nvm, FINALLY found one... google taunts me someitmes

November 22nd, 2005, 17:11
w00t! Got it working! Thanks a ton!

November 22nd, 2005, 18:03
whaomg fanjita, this is great, really, while it takes a few mins to get it all setup, it works great! AWESOME WORK! *gives props*

November 22nd, 2005, 18:09
Thinking about making the upgrade as well.

Anyone point me to a side-by-side of 1.5 VS 2.0 firmware? I know you get the webbrowser and the ability to play GTA, but what else?

Note, I do not mess with pirate games so that is a non-issue here. I just want to goof with emulators and homebrew mainly.

November 22nd, 2005, 18:49
LazerTag, you'll also be able to encode movies in avc which fills up the whole screen natively and the quality is much cleaner. You'll be able to change your background without using pspset or pspersonalise. You'll be able to listen to UMD music discs (an option from 1.52).

H3NCH no2
November 22nd, 2005, 19:36
well just one question for fanjita if he reads these forums or any of you know where to contact him...

How long will it take for fastloader to work

November 22nd, 2005, 20:26
agh, the absence of kernel mode in PSP Genesis is apparent. PSP genesis runs very slow on Sonic 3 & Knuckles when sound emulation is set to anything but 11Khz

November 22nd, 2005, 23:17
Fanjita bless ya! You are a true champ working on this stuff.

So has anyone got a report on how well SNESTYL v0.2c runs? I've only experienced the first release and it's awesome, but the release notes for 0.2c make it look pretty good....

November 22nd, 2005, 23:40
ive finally upgraded and fanjita has made the transition almost painless, cheers geezer

November 23rd, 2005, 02:17
I can't get Psp Revolution to work.

Right now it's in

but the file I d/l'd came with a folder called PSPR and PSPrevol
which one should I be using?

November 23rd, 2005, 02:40
my psp flickers when this starts and never shows my games what did i do wrong and i followed direction on the read me ?

November 23rd, 2005, 15:47
agh, the absence of kernel mode in PSP Genesis is apparent. PSP genesis runs very slow on Sonic 3 & Knuckles when sound emulation is set to anything but 11Khz

So speed is a major issue when going this route?

I'd be interested in hearing more insights to any other emulators you or others are running.

November 23rd, 2005, 15:48
So speed is a major issue when going this route?

I'd be interested in hearing more insights to any other emulators you or others are running.

NesterJ is working at full speed with all my ROMS.

November 23rd, 2005, 17:52
ok, anyone with any queries, i'm listening. i'm no expert but will try and help all the way. BTW, when playing the snes TYL 0.2, it works perfectly. also, the psp genesis emulator seems perfect too. I notice someone reported it being a bit slower? but i couldn't noticed it myself. All you have to do is change the skip frame rate to 2. you might get one or 2 things running weirldy, but you will hardly notice it!
i'm not too sure what the situation with psprevolution is, i know it definatly does work so if you try then you will probably get it to work....
as it has been said before, try using the 1.0 eboots.
and as for sutch things as fast loader, i wouldn't get your hopes up. fanjita does not want things like that to work. The main reason being sony will crack down on it yet again. they will make updates mandatory therefore no homebrew at all. also it uses kernal...which hasn't been cracked.
i say that, but then fanjita has said he is trying to get wifi homebrew working. i don't have a clue how you would go about that, but if he thinks he can do it, GOOD!
if you didn't know, wifi does require kernal, so if you use your brain, things like fastloader would work if other people looked into it. but my guess is people won't because of the reasons stated above, and i'm backing them people up who don't want fastloader.
i hope it clears one or 2 questions!

November 23rd, 2005, 19:53
okay, the problem is that pspr came with 2 1.0 eboots, and i don't know which ones to use!

November 23rd, 2005, 20:34
after closer inspection, it's just like other eboots. i asume you are talking about psp revolution. what you do is copy the eboot from 1.0 eboot only into a folder on you memory stick. psp--->game--->psprevol (save it in there, if that folder doesn't exist create it) then... you copy the folders found in the 1.5 section in pspr (not pspr%) into the same folder as you saved the other original. (psp--->game--->psprevol )
hope that works it out

November 23rd, 2005, 23:57
wot the hell? cant get it to work.... ive done exactly wot the readme sasys on placing the files into the places they are meant to be.. it loads the loader but nothing shows up. after about 10 seconds it just turns my psp off... i didnt have any probs installing v8.0. any suggestions...? i miust be missing something here.

November 24th, 2005, 05:37
Is there a tutorial anywhere? How do I put the emulators in? I'm currently using the KXploit tool, but I just got GTA and i still want to play my emulator games and don't wanna lose my saved data.

Any help would be appreciated

November 24th, 2005, 07:29
if you have been reading the past posts, and you're using version 1.5, you will be stuck.
if you are playing gta, and still using the kxploit tool, it won't work. kxploit does not work with 2.0 . you need the eboot loader. place the files located in the download. view the readme which comes with it, and you will be able to do it!

crooked cross
November 24th, 2005, 18:39
wot the hell? cant get it to work.... ive done exactly wot the readme sasys on placing the files into the places they are meant to be.. it loads the loader but nothing shows up. after about 10 seconds it just turns my psp off... i didnt have any probs installing v8.0. any suggestions...? i miust be missing something here.

One more thing you have to do is set a custom wallpaper on your psp. Use a pic and set it as wallpaper.

November 24th, 2005, 20:59
eh? ive alrdy got a wallpaper set on my psp, but what has this got to do with the ebooter? i just dont get wot im doing wrong since i got version 8.00 working 1st time.. i did exactly everything on 8.5 but still nothing.... this is getting on my t*ts i wanna play snes9s.tyl.0.c grrrrr. o btw does c run any faster than v1 that was last usuable on loader 8.0?

November 24th, 2005, 21:55
every1, the official eboot loader forum is on psp updates .com but the link isnt allowed on the site so ill tell u where 2 go.
First go to www.fanjita.org

Click on psp homebrew in the side bar, then choose eboot loader on the sublinks(under eboot loader), after that the latest loader should show up.

After it loads click on the official forums (its at the bottom of the "eboot Loader" writing)
After a page should load (this is the official forum).

At this forum you can talk to people who have found out how to work loads of stuff and chat with god...
...well not really but thats where fanjita replies to people.


Cap'n 1time
November 25th, 2005, 04:01
every1, the official eboot loader forum is on psp updates .com but the link isnt allowed on the site so ill tell u where 2 go.
First go to www.fanjita.org

Click on psp homebrew in the side bar, then choose eboot loader on the sublinks(under eboot loader), after that the latest loader should show up.

After it loads click on the official forums (its at the bottom of the "eboot Loader" writing)
After a page should load (this is the official forum).

At this forum you can talk to people who have found out how to work loads of stuff and chat with god...
...well not really but thats where fanjita replies to people.


official forum... what are you an advertiser? if you dont have anything intellegent to say then dont say anything at all. Everyone knows about PSPshitdates. The people that come here are generally sick of their lack of standards, moral... or brain cells.

November 25th, 2005, 05:05
i can't get snes9xtyl to work, everytime i try it says that it's a kernel based app and it won't work.

Cap'n 1time
November 25th, 2005, 06:33
i can't get snes9xtyl to work, everytime i try it says that it's a kernel based app and it won't work.

most likely you just have v8 and not 8.5 .

November 25th, 2005, 09:56
Any way to make PSPRadio work? <:( That's what I listen to every night.

November 25th, 2005, 13:03
Amazing work. I'm a complete newb at homebrew, and I found the software easy to install and to use. Keep it up, I appreciate the work you've done.

November 25th, 2005, 17:37
official forum... what are you an advertiser? if you dont have anything intellegent to say then dont say anything at all. Everyone knows about PSPshitdates. The people that come here are generally sick of their lack of standards, moral... or brain cells.

Actually psp updates do host the official forum for the loader. I don't have the time to check several forums for support questions for the loader, so I had to settle with one.

And though I don't like to get into forum politics (flamefests just bore me) I'm afraid that you've just provided a good example of one of the reasons why I settled with PSPU. In general, there's much less inter-site bitching and point-scoring among the community over there, which I personally prefer.

Vaza was just trying to provide pointers to an alternative source of support - I really don't see what you achieve by flaming a perfectly reasonable post.

Finally, in an attempt to pre-empt flames : this isn't a case of taking sides, it's a case of practical necessity - I can only manage one forum, and PSPU was a better choice for me personally.

Cap'n 1time
November 26th, 2005, 00:26
Actually psp updates do host the official forum for the loader. I don't have the time to check several forums for support questions for the loader, so I had to settle with... etc

I dont feel like being lectured.... I have no problem with you being hosted on their forums. But its idiotic to try to advertise for a site that EVERYONE knows about. The reason many of us dont go there is because we dont like how its run, and who its run by. You have to understand that dcemu does it for THE SCENE and not the money. AND FOR GOT SAKES EVERYONE KNOWS PSPU IS ABOUT THE MONEY. It is none of my concearn where you choose to be hosted, but while the PSPU is cencored on this site there should be no advertising for it... just as dcemu.co.uk is censored on PSPU.

Now ive risked my "good" name by argueing with you, with what I feel are valid arguments. If you have any honor at all youll keep an open mind. and try to understand where I am coming from

Keep up the good work and feel free to list me under one of the jerks in your readme. That way I can keep up my "great" reputation. have a good'n

MODs who might try to support me or argue with me or vice versa... just let this one go. GOD KNOWS we dont want anothe idiot battle going off.

November 27th, 2005, 23:04
thirst thing : Thanks ton fanjita, and anyone has helped for this great app, NeoCd games are so great on a PSP...

I'm using the 0.8 version and i don't know if this problem has been fixed yet, so sorry for spamming if its the case...when you exit the loader and go back to psp menu, if you re-enter the loader, it freeze the console, am i right ?
i found a way to not make the console freeze,
you just have to go to the image folder, not enter directly the eboot folder, open a pic ( wow, what a beautiful wallpaper !) exit, and now open the eboot folder, it works ! i don't know why but i'm happy not to wait 10 sec again to reboot my psp...

sorry again if this has been posted yet.. :o

November 28th, 2005, 00:26
well i couldnt see it anywhere shtian so im greatful to u for that (it was kinda annoying havin to keep rebootin)

November 28th, 2005, 01:19
i have a question on the sega emu, dgen_psp_1, for some reason ill get into it on my psp and it wont show me any words or games, it loads and the screen comes up but there are no words to choose from. Any help???

November 29th, 2005, 20:37
Not sure but I think that there should be a font or text file in there. If you didn't add it you can't see any text. That happened to me a while back.

November 30th, 2005, 02:42
I've got a PSP 2.0 i upgraded to try the EBOOT loader, then downgraded when it didn't work..but after purchasing LCS i'm back at 2.0.

Some of this might be old news..but this is what i've got running/tested....

Most recent NesterJ works with no problems (YAY as this was the one i was really wanting)
PSP Media Center works, i think. It talks about Kernel mode app..loads anyway..plays OGG just fine. Haven't tried a video.
SMSPLus = a-ok
RIN = nada
Handy = ran ok.

Now, one thing i found out..they say to have a wallpaper set...and i've found if you have wallpaper turned off..the loader does in fact fail to load. Let me say that again..if you have wallpaper turned off. If you've got a fresh 2.0 and haven't loaded a wallpaper...but it's turned on...it'll work without a hitch. However, i've not figured out how to delete the current wallpaper..it's set in firmware.

November 30th, 2005, 07:28
-------------------------------- dono how to delete post, ignore this

November 30th, 2005, 07:43

November 30th, 2005, 07:50
hey someone hook me up with a super mario game that works with this EBOOT loader :)

November 30th, 2005, 13:27
hey someone hook me up with a super mario game that works with this EBOOT loader :)

link removed by 1timeuser

Extract that directly to your PSP...it's NesterJ most recent with a few extra files you probably won't find elsewhere ;)

I've got loader .85 and this loads just fine on my PSP without making any config changes. Like i said, just, extract to the root of the PSP.

Nester boots up at the file select screen, browse to roms and boot one up, then press L1...you can then set all your emulator options. however....the settings don't get saved, so every time you boot it up, you have to reconfigure the emulator..although i find myself changing speed options and controls for each game. It's a minor inconvience....but...this thing really works....at 222mhz too...

while your options aren't saved...gamesaves and savestates should work however..this is mostly because i don't think the emulator can actually exit cleanly (although, i've got the eboot loader on softreboot disabled...so it's rebooting back to XMB)...your results may very.

NES it up!

Cap'n 1time
November 30th, 2005, 13:48
Extract that directly to your PSP...it's NesterJ most recent with a few extra files you probably won't find ...[/QUOTE]

You wont find thoes extra files elsewhere because they are illegal. Please delete that link. Your breaking the rules of the forum.

November 30th, 2005, 14:05
i took them out...

bah..what the hell happened to the internet where no body cared?

November 30th, 2005, 18:40
I have a save file in .srm format that i want to add for the SNES emu. does anyone know where it should go? I tried in the root /GAME folder and /SAVES, and in the zip file of the game itself, also tried to change it to a .za0 file but all resulted in nothing.

November 30th, 2005, 23:08
I have a save file in .srm format that i want to add for the SNES emu. does anyone know where it should go? I tried in the root /GAME folder and /SAVES, and in the zip file of the game itself, also tried to change it to a .za0 file but all resulted in nothing.

hrmm....depending on the emulator it could go in /SAVE /SAVES /BATTERY or...just name it the same thing as the rom and drop it in the directory. You may have to read the Windows readme files for stuff...yes yes i know it's windows..but..usually it tell you where to put files...and since most of these are being ported over from source..many of the rules still apply. I know StellaPSP looks for roms only in /Stella/roms because the source code looks at the root of the drive...but Stella doesn't run on 2.0 as it's a kernel mode app...i need to email the guy that does it and see if he can make a non-kernel version.

Also, did you CHECK to see if it was working. If you're talking about a gamesave and not a savestate...then you won't know for sure till you load up the game (which, if i remember my SNES emu's correctly .srm is a battery file)

Cap'n 1time
December 1st, 2005, 03:04
DewDude, the files were not removed so i deleted your link. Feel free to reupload without the illegal files if you feel the need.

December 1st, 2005, 03:32
i dont know if i missed this but is there a big list of compatible eboots? i just see what you can use in this update. btw your work is amazing and sony should take the pole out their @$$!

December 1st, 2005, 14:06
i dont know if i missed this but is there a big list of compatible eboots? i just see what you can use in this update. btw your work is amazing and sony should take the pole out their @$$!

Yes there is, but since it's not here I apparently can't tell you about it. Ho hum. Perhaps you'll find a clue in my signature.

December 1st, 2005, 14:23
DewDude, the files were not removed so i deleted your link. Feel free to reupload without the illegal files if you feel the need.

I removed the illegal files. The ones that were in the rar were pubic domain.

You didn't even check did you...you just looked to see if there WERE files rather than looking to see if they were actually illegal or not. Gee..that's not very fair.

Why did i leave the safty of IRC?

December 1st, 2005, 23:02
Yes there is, but since it's not here I apparently can't tell you about it. Ho hum. Perhaps you'll find a clue in my signature.

You plan on adding user reports? I noticed one or two EBOOTS i got to run weren't on that list cuz i know PSP Media Center runs...halfway..never tested video.

December 4th, 2005, 02:03
sooo... .rar stuff is illegal? if not, what is, and how do i get .rar stuff to work (i have like 10 things in this format but when i download it, it just comes with that one and only .rar file, and does not work.)

i'm very very new to PSP emulation / non UMD games and know nothing about them, their coding, source.. eboot... wutever that nerdy stuff is ya talk about. is there any step-by-step tutorials around here that could teach me this stuff?

EDIT: i have gotten about 10% of everything i've tried, to work. And, i feel that 10% is a very high number since this is mostly unofficial stuff. correct me if i'm wrong

Also, Fanjita, is there any chance that in the next update, the L + R + Start function to return to menu could be more time-forgiving? at the moment, all 3 have to be hit at like the same splitsecond. its not easy lol

Cap'n 1time
December 4th, 2005, 06:26
sooo... .rar stuff is illegal? if not, what is, and how do i get .rar stuff to work (i have like 10 things in this format but when i down load it, it just comes with that one and only .rar file.

i'm very very new to PSP emulation / non UMD games and know nothing about them, their coding, source.. eboot... wutever that nerdy stuff is ya talk about. is there any step-by-step tutorials around here that could teach me this stuff?

EDIT: i have gotten about 10% of everything i've tried, to work. And, i feel that 10% is a very high number since this is mostly unofficial stuff. correct me if i'm wrong

Also, Fanjita, is there any chance that in the next update, the L + R + Start function to return to menu could be more time-forgiving? at the moment, all 3 have to be hit at like the same splitsecond. its not easy lol

*.rar stuff is certainly not illegal. It is just a compression meathod like *.zip. Illegal information can be placed in the *.rar file though.

December 4th, 2005, 07:56
SWEEEET!!!! bricked my PSP!!

saw on www.hackaday.com that if ya pluck the battery pack n power cord around 95%-98% thru downgrade to 1.5, u can keep the internet browser. it worked for every single one of them lol, well anyhow, i got my 1year warantee and the videocard was somewhat fried (about 3million of the 16million recognized colors displayed in very spicific shades of orange / grey). now i have a logical reason to exchange! :) "it just... crashed on me and never started up again!"

only problem is, i have no way to transfer off my 201MB's of personal info and... stuff that most ppl shouldnt see. maybe i can use my friends psp....

December 5th, 2005, 04:37
can anybody tell me all the emulators that work with this eboot loader or are all those on the first pg it. thanks for ur help

December 5th, 2005, 06:14
will someone please make a FastLoader for firmware 2.0 so i can upgrade and play GTA LCS lol

December 5th, 2005, 06:53
wuts a "fastloader"?

and can someone plz tell me what i need to do to get .rar files working? rite now, all they good for is a doorstop imo

December 5th, 2005, 07:48
i cant get lua to work on this.i have usa 2.0 on a us psp
i have a picture for a desktop. i can run the nes, megadrive, and snes emu's to work. i hve the lua in...file/psp/gam/luaplayer ..is the the corect structure?i havent been able to get lua to work yet. ive been trying since 3.o.. can i get help

December 5th, 2005, 16:08
to Sterist:

U know when they send back ur psp it will have firmware 2.6, that means no homebrew!

bad luck man...

December 6th, 2005, 04:43
to Sterist:

U know when they send back ur psp it will have firmware 2.6, that means no homebrew!

bad luck man...

nope lol

i have the Giga-pack ($300 total, or around $336 with tax--in CA) they dont sell very fast. I bet the giga-packs have lots of shelf life so when u get em, they wont be updated as much as you might think

Anyhow, i've already exchanged mine and its 2.00 :) already bumpin on Super Mario World n Doom

appreciate the concern
- ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~
|Could someone PLEEEEEAAAAAASEE tell me how to get .rar games to work?!|
- ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~

December 6th, 2005, 07:44
The .rar files are compressed files I believe. WinZip would not uncompress it for me for some reason so I had to download a program called WinAce to unzip it.

December 7th, 2005, 01:40
some friendly guy on the IRC chat for either this web or (text removed) hooked me up with the extracter. im not suprised that 90% of the files im unziping share the same problems as some of the other apps when i try to run em on PSP ;(

edit:we censor that link for a reason. -1timeuser. Dont try to beat the system.

December 7th, 2005, 03:21
why tho? :(

Cap'n 1time
December 7th, 2005, 13:45
why tho? :(

We dont discuss it either.. so please drop it. All I will say is that we have had some bad history with them. (lots of stolen news with no credit.) :mad: :(

December 8th, 2005, 09:34
when is a fastloader coming out for this thing.

December 8th, 2005, 10:32
I need alot of help!
Whenever i try to run something (eboot) it just doesnt work! Ive done everything on the reedme and i can open the loader but the eboots dont work!
Also when i try to run lua the eboot file isnt there????

December 8th, 2005, 23:12
i cant get lua to run eather. i can get other stuff to run just not lua. any help????

December 9th, 2005, 00:57
me neither

is lua only supposed to run on a 1.5 psp?

December 9th, 2005, 03:31
This should fix everything with lua issues.


I love to help! ;)

December 9th, 2005, 04:12
link wont work. should pm me the link..would rock dude!! thanx in advance

kikin 69
December 9th, 2005, 21:48
text removed.
no. read the rules -1timeuser

December 10th, 2005, 07:52
lol ok.... so they steal / stole credit / work, when we link something cant we just call em a noob every time we make a link that involves em? to justify

December 10th, 2005, 18:41
i cant get this to work it allways says the game cannot be started and the game is corrupted.

December 11th, 2005, 04:43
but Stella doesn't run on 2.0 as it's a kernel mode app...i need to email the guy that does it and see if he can make a non-kernel version.

any luck with that dewdude, I'd like to play atari games on 2.0. The 0.8.5 loader boots its but it hangs... so close but no cigar

December 13th, 2005, 02:16
okay I'm am a REAL newB! I just "got" some PSP games... but can't run the games. I have firmware 2.0 and using loader 0.85. I was wondering how to load EBOOT.BIN

should everything be in one folder??

December 13th, 2005, 02:17
you can only load eboot.pbp files to my knoloedge

December 13th, 2005, 02:18
so do I just change EBOOT.BIN to EBOOT.PBP? I did that but nothing happens

there are two files in SYSDIR 1 is EBOOT.BIN and the other is BOOT.BIN

so what should I do?

December 13th, 2005, 06:21
Hi, congratulation for your launcher! It sounds good with many games. But i have a problem. With some game, i can't exit the game!!

As exemple, in Doom PSP, there's a "EXIT", so i can go back to the launcher and then puch start to boot my PSP.

In come other games (many...), i can't find a way to go back to the launcher! And the normal way to stop the PSP is out of function! (pull up the button stop as usually doesn't work). The only way i found is to pull out the battery: it's not safe for the PSP...

Anyone has a tips?

Many thanks...

December 13th, 2005, 16:59
I want to try it at my 1.5 PSP :)

December 15th, 2005, 01:36
any idea where i can find progress on hackin 2.5?

December 15th, 2005, 08:42
is there anything out for 2.01 yet? my psp broke and i had to trade it in for a new one with 2.01 firmware, i cant stand it.

December 15th, 2005, 10:49
Hi, congratulation for your launcher! It sounds good with many games. But i have a problem. With some game, i can't exit the game!!

As exemple, in Doom PSP, there's a "EXIT", so i can go back to the launcher and then puch start to boot my PSP.

In come other games (many...), i can't find a way to go back to the launcher! And the normal way to stop the PSP is out of function! (pull up the button stop as usually doesn't work). The only way i found is to pull out the battery: it's not safe for the PSP...

Anyone has a tips?

Many thanks...

If you hold down the left and right shoulder buttons and press start it will take you back to the eboot loader screen. Sometimes I have to hold the shoulder buttons down and repeatedly press start till it quits, sometimes it works first try...

December 18th, 2005, 20:30
yeah.... everything is good about hte emulaters and everything, but everybody never thought about the turn off switch?
whenu you are playing like...super mario for super nintendo, and somehow theres an emergency, u cant turn off the system.....
thats one problem that i have with the loader.........the thing to turn it off is to reboot in order to let it off,,,,im getting worried getting my psp to fry or explode which it happend ( internal small explosion later with a burned chip odor smell) wel w/e....
yeah thats one problem from me.....i need a tip or help with this problem........ill be thankfull if theres somebody that helps :)

December 20th, 2005, 14:20
Hey everyone......I have just downloaded the eboot loader v0.85 as i have a version 2.00 firmware...Now to play games what emulator do you guys recommend and where can i get it from?


December 20th, 2005, 15:57
I'm having lots of fun with the c64 emulator (c64psp) and snes (Snes9x_TYL)
both work great.


December 21st, 2005, 06:28
awesome. but is there a way you could make a loader that starts umd games at 333mhz? just a question seeing as there is a trainer that runs gta at full processing speed. and it realy makes a difference.

December 22nd, 2005, 16:01
Hey everyone...just to clarify, this loader cannot play umd games right? coz i tried to play a backup of my burnout legends umd but the loader did not read it....it kept on flashing and said scanning then after the screen went blank...i was able to reboot but am i doing anything wrong or is the loader unable at the moment to read umd games.

I no u can downgrade to version 1.5 and play ur backups but i am a bit hesitant to do so....there are more disadvantages then advantages....plus there may be problems in the long run with ur psp which may not intially show up at first.....

December 23rd, 2005, 21:11
can someone HELP ME!!!!! [email protected]

December 27th, 2005, 17:32
Yes, Right now i'm in nesterJ and I am unable to get out of it (uo_nj2b). If someone would give me the key sequence to get out of it and back to Fanjita's Eboot Loader that would be MUCH appreciated! (I used to hold HOME in the last version nj2a, but now it's not working). Help? :)