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View Full Version : How to get full talkie SCUMM games working

November 25th, 2005, 14:39
I did a search but couldn't find anything. I have the CD full talkie versions of DOTT, Sam n Max, Fate of Atlantis, and such that I want to get working on my PSP. I have the SCUMM emulator. Just wondering how you get the full talkie versions working without using the CDs?

Thanks in advance.

November 25th, 2005, 16:26
as you might have noticed, the CD won't fit into the memory stick slot. so just copy the files from the CD to the memory stick and - tada, it's working!

www.scummvm.org shows you, which files you need to copy for each game you don't need all), but the talkie-files are quite big.

November 25th, 2005, 22:34
awesome, thanks alot! ooooh this is soo cool.

November 25th, 2005, 22:58
I think you only need these 3 files to get the Sam and Max talking verion (cd) to run:





At least that's what I was using on the last SCUMM emulator on the PSP.
